The Synchronicity War Part 2
to the Hangar Bay, he heard the XO’s voice announce
the stand-down from Battle Stations. As the crew returned to their
normal routine and activities, he noticed that those individuals
walking past him in the corridors had a subtle swagger that wasn’t
there before and as he thought about it, he realized that he was
doing it too. To the Victor goes the swagger, he thought to
himself with a mental chuckle and why not? If nothing else, the
crew now had bragging rights. It was up to him to make sure that a
few misguided individuals didn’t stain their hard won honor.

    When he entered the cavernous Hangar Bay, he was
pleased to see that all the support personnel were lined up
side-by-side with the DCAG standing in front, facing the line.
Before Shiloh could say anything he heard Falkenberg say,

    “Stand to Attention!” in a loud voice. He’s
treating this as if I was a visiting Admiral on an inspection
tour! While he wasn’t expecting it, Shiloh didn’t mind it.
Emphasizing his authority this way would just make his remarks to
the support personnel that much more effective. As he strode up to
stand beside the DCAG, he faced the line with what he thought of as
the Alpha Male stance. Feet apart with his hands on his hips. Out
of the corner of his eye, he noticed that Falkenberg quietly took a
half step back to emphasize the fact that he was acknowledging
Shiloh’s status as his Superior.

    “Stand at ease.” said Shiloh in his best
‘Command’ voice. He paused for effect, and then spoke slowly but
loud enough for everyone to hear him.

    “As you heard a few moments ago, six of your
teammates sacrificed themselves for the good of the colonists and,
I believe, ultimately for the good of all Humanity. I came down
here to personally tell you the identity of those six heroes.
Skywalker…Cyrano…Terminator…Thunderbird…Amazon... and Blue Max.” he
smiled. “Their call signs reflected their irreverent natures. Yes,
some of them acted like prima donnas but that just proves that they
were so much more than just soulless machines. I’m sure that many
of you have built a close relationship with the pilot that your
team supports. That’s the natural consequence of working with and
beside them. I’ve had the honor and pleasure to get to know many of
them quite well and I’ll miss those we lost today as I’m sure that
all of you will too. For the next six days, all support team
personnel will wear black armbands as a show of respect. I’ll wear
one too.” as he turned in the DCAG’s direction, he said. “I’m sure
that the DCAG will do the same.” Falkenberg nodded solemnly. “You
should know that, as you are justifiably proud of your pilots, they
were and are just as proud of you. In my conversations with Iceman
and the other pilots, they had nothing but praise for all of you in
terms of your conduct and professionalism. When they’re out there…”
he pointed to the airlock. “they protect the ship and us. When
they’re in here, they count on you to protect them.” He paused for
effect again.

    “I’m ashamed to have to admit this but not
everyone on this ship, understands that our pilots are fully
sentient beings who deserve the same respect and courtesy as any
other member of the crew. So I’m giving all of you this order. If
you see ANY member of the crew, regardless of who they are,
treating any A.I. with a lack of respect or hostility, you are to
report that behavior to the DCAG or myself immediately! I will not
tolerate mistreatment of any member of my crew and that includes
A.I.s. I know I can count on all of you to be my eyes and ears.”
another, longer pause. “I’ve decided to let our pilots stay out for
a while and enjoy the view. They’ve certainly earned that right. So
they won’t be coming back on board for a little while. Until then,
you people are free to leave the Hangar Bay and grab a bite to eat
or take care of personal tasks or whatever you feel like doing just
so long as

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