Kalon (Take Over)

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Book: Kalon (Take Over) by T.l Smith Read Free Book Online
Authors: T.l Smith
just remember you are mine and we can do anything together. We are stronger together than what we are separated,” he says, then kisses me and places me back on the couch and stands to leave. He pauses at the door like he wants to say something else, but chooses not to. He just turns and leaves.
    I don’t know how I got knocked up because I’m on the pill and I take it consistently. The doctor said people still fall pregnant even when they’re on the pill. I was hoping I was one of the lucky ones that didn’t.

I t’s the quietest this house has been since I’ve lived here, and it doesn’t help that my mind won’t shut off. Stefanos is still out handling business and I’m lying in bed waiting for him to return. I decide to check the spare room to see if he’s made any adjustments to it yet. As I open the door, I’m hit with the very fresh smell of new... everything is new. I go to the drawers and start to open them to see what he has stored in them. They’re stacked full of neutral colored clothing. Just as I go to shut the drawer something catches my eye. I pull the drawer open wider and find a small jewelry box tucked away in the back. I open it and I’m shocked by what sparkles back at me. It’s a beautiful black diamond. They’re as rare as they are beautiful.
    Just as my mind starts thinking of the possibilities of why he’s hidden this beautiful ring, I hear a loud bang coming from inside the house. I know it’s not Stefanos, because he’s quiet when he enters the house. So that means it’s someone else.
    I run to my room to retrieve my gun and just as I leave the spare room, I run straight into a hard body. Without thinking I swing my arm around and punch whoever it is in the face and he stumbles backwards in the dark. I make a mad dash around him and just as I do a hand comes around from the back and something covers my mouth. That’s the last thing I remember before I pass out.
    I wake in a nice hotel room, lying in the same clothes I was in at my house. My head is sore and my mouth is dry. I go to stand and see movement to my left. I look at that spot and see a very good-looking man sitting down smoking a cigar. He’s dressed to impress and has nice, dark denim jeans on with a white collared shirt rolled up to the elbows. I can see tattoos going up each arm and wonder what they’re about. His hair is curly and long, possibly to his shoulders, although it’s tied back. He sees me looking and smirks. I wonder who the hell he is as I look around for a weapon.
    “You won’t find anything,” he states in a strong voice.
    I look back to him and see he hasn’t moved. He doesn’t even have a weapon on him.
    “You’ve been misbehaving, Krinos, and now it’s time you learnt a lesson,” he tells me, as he stands up. He starts walking toward me. I take in his massive body; he’s just about as big as Rock, only taller. He steps in front of me and I can smell him. He smells divine for someone who kidnaps girls from their own home.
    Fucking prick .
    “Who are you?” I ask, looking straight into his eyes, which I can only just see in the moonlight shining through the open window. His eyes have a tinge of violet and mixture of pale green in them. They are unlike anything I’ve ever seen before.
    “You don’t know me... but you’ve met my father.” He looks me in the eyes. I try to think of who he looks like, but nothing comes to mind. He notes my confusion and tells me who his father is.
    I know, I now have to kill this beautiful man, who is the spawn to the devil.
    ~ T O B E C ONTINUED ~

    S neak P eak
    (Take Over Series) Book Three
    I was a simple man once. I fucked a lot of woman and completed my work with ease. I didn’t get involved in relationships. Relationships are for the weak, plus it’s leverage for your enemies and I have plenty.
    But that’s all changed. When a strong willed woman with the mouth of a sailor walked into my life, wearing tiny shorts which

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