The Alpha's Mate (Werewolf Romance)

Free The Alpha's Mate (Werewolf Romance) by Michelle Fox

Book: The Alpha's Mate (Werewolf Romance) by Michelle Fox Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michelle Fox
said Jackson sent you?”
    Mara nodded as she shoved another handful of popcorn into her mouth. Chewing and talking at the same time, she said, “We was out looking for our parents when he come through. He told us it ain’t safe to be out and your house be closer than Grammy’s.”
    I frowned. “Looking for your parents?”
    Sara looked at me, her expression solemn and popcorn clutched tight in her grubby hand. “They be feral.”
    I tried to act like wolves abandoned their families every day and kept my shock from showing on my fac e. I knew it happened. Every pack had at least one wolf who got lost in their animal and left the human world, preferring the way of the wild. Usually they came back home, eventually, but, on occasion, a wolf seemed to forget their humanity altogether. From the girls’ condition, I suspected their parents fell into the latter category. “Oh, so you live with your grandmother.”
    “Ye ah, she need help now too so it’s good we there,” said the older one, her butchered English making me wince.
    I filed the tidbit about her grandmother away for future reference and smiled brightly at the girls. “Do you want something to drink? Maybe a sandwich?”
    Mouths full of popcorn, they both nodded vigorously.
    I made them generous peanut butter and jelly sandwiches with a side of chips and sliced apples. Setting the plates on the table, I poured out big glasses of cold milk. “Girls, come sit. The food is ready.”
    They ran into the dining room, stuffing food into thei r mouths before their butts hit their chairs. I let the lack of manners slide as the girls were obviously starving. Their grandmother didn’t seem to be taking care of them like she should.
    Normally, Cal’s wife would’ve paid her a visit and overseen the girls’ welfare. When things with the rogue alpha settled down, I resolved to do the same. For once, I was glad of my new role as alpha’s mate. It meant I could do something about the girls’ obvious need. I didn’t have to look the other way.
    “By the way, my name is Chloe,” I said as I joined them at the table. “It’s nice to meet you Mara and Sara.”
    “Yes’m,” the girls mumbled in unison, eyes riveted on their plates, hands in constant motion as they shoveled in the next bite.
    “If you want more after you finish that, let me know. I’d be happy to make you another sandwich.”
    Mara’s eyes lifted up and met mine, shining with happiness. “Really?” she asked as if she wasn’t sure she’d heard me correctly.
    “Yes really. I want you to grow big and strong which means you need to eat. As much as you want,” I said, emphasizing the last sentence. “I’ve got ice cream , too.”
    Sara went still, the sandwich in her hand suddenly freezing in its trajectory toward her mouth. Her gaze went to the sliding door behind the dining room table and out to the stone patio beyond. “There be somethin’ out there, Miss Chloe.”
    “What?” I stiffened, all my senses on high alert. Squinting , I stared out the glass door trying to spot what had drawn her attention.
    Mara pointed. “There back in the bushes. I seen it too.”
    I inched the door open and sniffed the wind. When I didn’t catch the peppery hot scent of the rogue alpha, I relaxed somewhat, but then a feminine, sour stench hit my nose, one I knew very well.
    Wolves smell different at dif ferent times depending on who is involved and how they feel. It has to do with emotion and the hormones that come with them. Hate always smelled sour as bad vinegar to me and the last time I’d caught that particular scent it’d been emanating off Vicki.
    For a second time that night I called out, “Who’s there?” Even though I figured I knew who it was, I thought it best not to show my hand. Besides, if I was wrong, I would look like an idiot and I was in no hurry to add to the list of bumbling mistakes I’d made the last few days.
    There was no answer, but I heard the rustle of leaves or bushes

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