Love Means No Boundaries - Andrew Grey

Free Love Means No Boundaries - Andrew Grey by Andrew Grey

Book: Love Means No Boundaries - Andrew Grey by Andrew Grey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Andrew Grey
phone rang.
“Yes. You should get that.” He’d let his mother tell him.
A hand rested on his arm, and he felt a hot tingle through his body. “Are you ready?”
“I’ve got your violin,” Joey said as Robbie got his cane, and Joey led him to the car. The tingles only increased, and Robbie 55 Andrew Grey
wondered if that feeling would continue when Joey touched him in other places.
The ride to the farm was quick, with everyone telling him how much they liked the performance. “We don’t get many things like that here,” Geoff said from the driver’s seat. “It’s very special. Do you keep performing the same things?”
“Yes and no. Our next performance will be the same, but the final two performances will be Beethoven’s ninth with local soloists and choir. Audiences always love the ‘Ode to Joy’.” Geoff pulled into the drive, and Robbie made his way into the house with Joey’s help. “Would anyone like something to eat before bed?” Eli asked as they entered the kitchen.
“No, thank you.” Robbie actually yawned, the excitement from the performance waning. “I think I’ll head to bed. Good night,” Robbie said, carrying his instrument with him.
    Rex, who had sneaked inside when they got home, followed Robbie up the stairs and jumped on the bed when Robbie opened the bedroom door. Getting cleaned up, he walked back to the room wearing only his pants and bumped into Joey, who said nothing and kissed him.
The door closed and Robbie felt himself being maneuvered toward the bed. Strong, work-hardened arms and hands lowered him to the bed. “Joey?”
    He felt Joey’s bare chest press to his as lips devoured him. His entire body was overwhelmed by the same tingles of excitement he’d felt earlier from Joey’s simple touch. “Are we?” His question ended with another kiss; then the lips drew away, and he imagined Joey looking down at him. “Please talk to me.”
    “I want… I just can’t.” What kind of answer was that? Then the lips were back and Robbie felt the passion increase. Letting his 56 Love Means … NO Boundaries
hands roam, he felt strong muscles and impressive shoulders flow beneath his hands. Robbie wanted out of these clothes, but Joey made no effort to remove them, he just kept kissing him within an inch of his life. He gave up on speech and moaned softly as the erotic assault continued. Abruptly, the kissing stopped, and he felt Joey’s weight lift from him. “I… how can you…. Good night, Robbie,” Joey stuttered.

Before he could respond or reply, he heard footsteps and then a door closing. Robbie touched his lips with his fingers. He could still feel them singing from Joey’s kisses. “What happened?” He didn’t know the answer, but he sure as hell was going to find out. He almost got up and marched into Joey’s bedroom to ask him, but he had a lot of thinking to do. Getting undressed, he hung up his clothes and crawled beneath the covers, feeling Rex sneak nearer. “At least I have you for company.” His body throbbed with arousal as he settled in the bed and thought about taking care of things himself, but didn’t. Instead he did his best to calm his mind so he could sleep. Joey’s reaction was completely confusing. Robbie knew Joey had been aroused, and it was sexy that he could get him that excited, but the reaction was almost weird. “What the hell happened?” 57
    Andrew Grey
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