Bell, Book, and Scandal

Free Bell, Book, and Scandal by Jill Churchill

Book: Bell, Book, and Scandal by Jill Churchill Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jill Churchill
to go back to that shop and buy another of those pins so that we can give it to Felicity.“
    “What makes you think there is another one?“
    “Didn’t you notice? The girl came out with two boxes. I’m going to snag the other one while I can. Felicity’s been very nice and candid with us. And she needs a pick-me-up.“
    Jane chose the copy she meant for the very good editor Felicity had recommended. This copy had something extra.
    Months before, when Jane had broken down and bought a new computer, she had also bought a house plan program. The majority of her plot took place in an old rambling mansion perched on a cliff and backed by a village where a few of the scenes played out. She’d used the program to make a floor plan of the house and a map of the village as well. It was what had really inspired her to make a serious attempt to finish the book. This packet included copies of both the floor plan and the village map.
    The editor was reading a book when Jane came into the meeting room a few minutes early.
    The editor looked up and said, “You must be Mrs. Jeffry.“ She stood up, leaned over the table, and shook Jane’s hand. “I’m Melody Johnson.“
    “I know you are,“ Jane said with a smile. “Felicity Roane told me to be sure and see you. She thinks very highly of you.“
    Melody Johnson appeared to be well into her forties, beautifully groomed, and casually, but stylishly, dressed. She wasn’t what Jane thought of as “New Yorkish.“ She could have been a neighbor of Jane’s.
    “And I of her,“ Ms. Johnson said. “Let me see what you’re clutching in your hand with a death grip.“
    Jane laughed and handed over the folder.
    Ms. Johnson flipped through the pages and said, “A very nice presentation, Mrs. Jeffry.“
    “Please call me Jane. It scares me when people call me Mrs. Jeffry except if they’re salespeople.“
    “And I’m Melody,“ the editor replied as she continued to examine the manuscript. “Oh, house plans! And the layout of a village! I love books with relevant illustrations. These are very good. Would you be so kind as to bring us both soft drinks while I skim the outline?“
    Jane was over the moon. She could hardly make her legs work right as she headed for the snack table. She picked up two plastic cups of ice-cold Coke and dawdled, watching as Melody Johnson read the outline.
    When Melody looked up, Jane crossed the room and set the drinks on the table.
    “Have you finished this book?“ Melody asked. “Or is this what you plan to do?“
    “I’ve finished it,“ Jane said. “At least I thought I had before I came to this conference. I’ve already heard some advice I might want to incorporate. It’s just a couple of paragraphs added and a few deleted or moved. I think the book would be better with them.“
    “I’d like to read the sample chapters in peace and quiet, then go over the outline again. And I want to know, after I do that, what you’re planning to change. May I keep this overnight and meet with you again tomorrow?“
    Jane said, “I’d be grateful.“
    “No promises, mind you. I think well of what I’ve seen so far. But I’d like to know more about the proposal before we discuss it. Would you mind giving me your room number?“
    Jane managed to nod agreement without kissing the woman’s feet. She all but floated out the door and went in search of Shelley.

    Jane was frantic to find Shelley and tell her all about her interview. She finally discovered Shelley sitting in the bar with Felicity. They each had a glass of red wine in front of them and were sharing a bowl of potato chips and a bowl of guacamole.
    “Have you two been hiding from me?“ Jane asked.
    “Didn’t you receive my message?“ Shelley asked. “What do you think a cell phone is for?“
    Jane pulled her phone out of her purse, looked at the little screen, and asked, “Is that what this little envelope thing means?“ and added as the bartender passed, “A big

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