The Mystery of the Castaway Children

Free The Mystery of the Castaway Children by Julie Campbell

Book: The Mystery of the Castaway Children by Julie Campbell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Julie Campbell
still consult Regan this morning.
    Soon Eileen Dodge entered the kitchen. Amid the chorus of “Good morning’s,” she took the place at the table that Brian offered.
    Trixie noticed that the puffiness was gone from around Eileen’s blue eyes, but her face was still so drawn that the skin seemed to be too tight for even her fine bones.
    “I am grateful for your hospitality,” Eileen said somewhat formally, “but I’m not sure I should be here. What if David hears—” she hesitated— “b-bad news about ? He’ll need me. And if our house is being watched, they’re bound to notice I’m not there.”
    Mrs. Belden arranged an attractive plate of food and passed it to Eileen. “Why don’t you at least stay long enough to meet Dr. Ferris?” she suggested. “He’s coming out this morning to examine the baby. It will put your mind at ease to hear his report firsthand.”
    “Oh, yes,” Eileen agreed. “I have to find out what caused those bruises and how to heal them.”
    “We’ve been treating them,” Brian told her. “That was approved by Miss Goodley, the social worker from the county welfare department.”
    “W-Welfare?” Eileen stammered. “Just as soon as we settle up with the auctioneers—”
    “This isn’t a matter of inability to pay bills,” Mrs. Belden explained gently. “Abandoned children are the state’s responsibility. The police delegated Dodgy to our care during the investigation. I do feel you should let us help you. Forgive me for saying so, but I don’t think you’re in shape emotionally or physically to cope with Dodgy’s total care until your older son is found.” Eileen’s hand shook as she lifted her coffee cup. “I—I have been so worried and scared that I was afraid I was losing my mind,” she admitted quietly.
    “You’re among friends, Eileen,” Brian said.
    “I am grateful,” Eileen repeated.
    Trixie took a deep breath and glanced through her lashes at Di. Di, too, was so moved by Eileen’s confusion that she was having trouble swallowing her food. Trixie forced herself to finish her meal, her heart aching for Eileen.
    “Does somebody have time to look at the washer?” Mrs. Belden asked hopefully.
    Brian had already left the kitchen, and Mart was preparing to follow. He heaped buttered toast with jam to take with him. “Later, Moms,” he promised. “My elder counterpart doth crack a mighty whip. I wouldst away before I incur his displeasure.”
    “Brian isn’t working in the woods,” grunted Bobby. “I heard Dad tell him to irri-something the raspberries this morning.”
    “Irritate?” Mart guessed on his way out the door.
    Bobby looked doubtful.
    “Irrigate,” Trixie told Bobby. “Gleeps, with Mart for a teacher, Bobby’ll never learn to speak English!”
    Eyes sparkling, Di put in, “But, Trixie, Mart is so smart!”
    “How nice to have your very own fan club,” muttered Trixie as she began to clear the breakfast table.
    “I’ll help,” Di offered.
    They had just finished the kitchen work when Harrison, the Lynch butler, came for Di. She rushed to check up on Dodgy before climbing into the limousine. “If you need me, just call,” she urged.
    “Thanks, Di,” Trixie answered. She returned to her morning work with a mind churning with plans. She had been fumbling around, trying to get a grip on the mystery. She had found it, but where to now?
    The minute her morning chores were finished, Trixie called Honey. “Meet me at the stables?”
    “Are we going to ride?” Honey asked. “What shall I wear?”
    “Just wear what you have on now.”
    “A bath towel? I just took a shower!”
    Trixie giggled. “You’re out of uniform, Detective Wheeler. Let’s wear shorts and wait to ride till it’s cooler, okay? I’ll be there in fifteen minutes.”
    When Trixie reached the stables, she heard Honey call, “Trix, I’m in the supply room. There’s a fan here.”
    Trixie called back, “I’m stopping at the tack room first.” She went

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