Kate Daniels 01 - Magic Bites

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there he stood, wearing a loose T-shirt and sweatpants. A modest shapechanger, how refreshing. You wouldn’t even know that he had changed, save for the glistening sheen of dampness on his skin.
    He looked me over slowly, judging, taking my measure.
    I could blush demurely or I could do the same to him. I chose not to blush.
    A couple of inches taller than me, the Beast Lord gave an impression of coiled power. Easy, balanced stance. Blond hair, cut too short to grab. At first glance he looked to be in his early to mid-twenties, but his build betrayed him. His shoulders strained his T-shirt. His back was broad and corded with muscle, showing the power and strength a man developed in his early thirties.
    “What kind of a woman greets the Beast Lord with ‘here, kitty, kitty’?” he asked.
    “One of a kind.” I murmured the obvious reply. Eventually I had to look him in the eye. Better sooner than later.
    The Beast Lord had a strong square jaw. His nose was narrow with a misshapen bridge, as though it had been broken more than once and hadn’t healed right. Considering the regenerative powers of the shapechangers, someone must’ve pounded his face with a sledgehammer.
    Our stares met. Little golden sparks danced in his gray eyes. His gaze made me want to bow my head and look away.
    He regarded me as if I was an interesting new snack. “I’m the Lord of the Free Beasts,” he said.
    “I figured.” Perhaps he expected me to curtsy.
    He leaned forward a little, puzzling over me as if I were an odd-looking insect. “Why would a knight-protector hire a no-name merc to investigate the death of his diviner?”
    I gave him my best cryptic smile.
    He grimaced. “What have you found out?” he asked.
    “I’m not at liberty to tell you that.” Not with the Pack suspect.
    He leaned forward more, letting the moonlight fall on his face. His gaze was direct and difficult to hold. Our stares locked and I gritted my teeth. Five seconds into the conversation and he was already giving me the alpha-stare. If he started clicking his teeth, I’d have to make a run for it. Or introduce him to my sword.
    “You will tell me what you know now,” he said.
    He said nothing, so I elaborated. “See, this kind of threat usually has an ‘or’ attached to it. Or an ‘and.’ ‘Tell me and I’ll allow you to live’ or something like that.”
    His eyes ignited with gold. His gaze was unbearable now.
    “I can make you beg to tell me everything you know,” he said and his voice was a low growl. It sent icy fingers of terror down my spine.
    I gripped Slayer’s hilt until it hurt. The golden eyes were burning into my soul. “I don’t know,” I heard my own voice say, “you look kinda out of shape to me. How long has it been since you took care of your own dirty work?”
    His right hand twitched. Muscles boiled under the taut skin and fur burst, sheathing the arm. Claws slid from thickened fingers. The hand snapped inhumanly fast. I weaved back and it fanned my face, leaving no scars. A strand of hair fell onto my left cheek, severed from my braid. The claws retracted.
    “I think I still remember how,” he said.
    A spark of magic ran from my fingers into Slayer’s hilt and burst into the blade, coating the smooth metal in a milky-white glow. Not that the glow actually did anything useful, but it looked bloody impressive. “Any time you want to dance,” I said.
    He smiled, slow and lazy. “Not laughing anymore, little girl?”
    He was impressive, I’d give him that. I turned the blade, warming up my wrist. The saber drew a tight glowing ellipse in the air, flinging tiny drops of luminescence on the dirty floor. One of them fell close to the Beast Lord’s foot and he moved away. “I wonder if all this changing has made you sluggish.”
    “Bring your pig-sticker and we’ll find out.”
    We circled each other, our feet raising light clouds of dust from the dirty floor. I wanted to fight him, if only to see if I could

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