Dark Desires After Dusk

Free Dark Desires After Dusk by Kresley Cole

Book: Dark Desires After Dusk by Kresley Cole Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kresley Cole
seen that the Vessel would be one of our kind.”
    “You know what’s at stake.”
    “What’s at stake for you, ” she said. “This is my kin.”
    “Then why are we even discussing this?”
    She blinked at him. “Because I’m mischievous ?”
    Nïx started toward Holly, and short of violence, there wasn’t a damn thing he could do to stop her. Cade was a lowlife mercenary, but he drew the line at hurting females. Immediately, he thought of that vampire’s Bride he’d killed. Or rather, Cade didn’t hurt them purposely.
    Block it out….
    At the car, Nïx said, “Come, dearling.”
    Holly opened the door, pulling Cade’s jacket tighter as she got out. She met Nïx eye to eye, almost exactly the same height as the Valkyrie soothsayer.
    “Welcome to the family.” Nïx kissed both of Holly’s cheeks with loud mwah sounds, seeming not to notice Holly’s startled expression. “I’m your aunt Nïx, the Ever-Knowing. I’m also the Proto-Valkyrie and Soothsayer without Equal.”
    “You’re a Valkyrie?” Holly asked, her gaze on one of Nïx’s uncovered ears.
    “Only the oldest and greatest,” Nïx answered.
    Cade said, “She’s a powerful prognosticator.”
    Nïx’s eyes grew silvery with emotion. “And you are the spitting image of your mother. Strawberry blond hair and violet eyes.” “You were related to my mother?” “Greta was my half sister.” “Greta,” Holly said slowly, as if stunned to finally know her mother’s name. “She was a famous warrior. She died two decades ago, a glorious death in battle.” “Warrior? Battle? I thought Valkyrie were docile.” Nïx laughed.
    “Did the demon tell you that?” She made a tsking sound. “Cadeon Woede! For shame.” “Just having a bit of fun with that.” “What was Greta like?” Holly asked. “She was part Fury—” Cade made a strangled sound but covered it with a cough. “No way.” The most fierce race of females in existence. Valkyrie were violent. Furies were…incomprehensible. Hell, if Cade turned her over to Groot, Holly might off the sorcerer herself. “Look at Holly’s violet eyes, with the dark ring around the iris. A Fury’s eyes.” “Why did she give me away?” Holly asked. “I know there must have been a good reason.”
    And there was Holly’s signature confidence. She expressed no bitterness or self-doubt over the fact that she’d been given over. “I’ve put together a welcome package with a letter that will explain more. But for now, you need to leave. It’s dangerous for you here.”
    “Where am I going?” Holly demanded. Nïx nodded in answer. “Um, that wasn’t a yes-or-no question.”
    “Indeed.” “I thought we were supposed to meet Cadeon’s brother here.” “You were,” Nïx said. “But he’s not here.” Exhaling impatiently, Holly said, “Just tell me, how did I become like this .” “You make it sound like it’s a tragedy.” “I…no, I didn’t mean to, but I just want to go back to my old life. I’m a single code away from getting
    my doctorate, and I have classes to teach—” “Yes, well, if I had students like your delicious football players, I’d be eager to return, too. Re-rowr.” Cade prompted Nïx, “Again, how’d she get like this?” Nïx looked confused as if she didn’t understand the question, then finally answered, “The seed was always there but was given water and sun with the lightning bolt.” She turned to Holly. “And now you’ll grow into the Valkyrie you were always meant to be.” “Cade told me that it’s reversible?” she said in a tone tinged with disbelief. “Did he, then?”
    He pinched the bridge of his nose, prepared to be busted. “He’s right,” Nïx said, shocking him, going along with his lie. “Only one man can reverse this. His name is Groot the Metallurgist. He’s a powerful sorcerer. If you get to him before you become fully immortal, he can change you back,” she said, though Cade knew that she knew that wasn’t

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