
Free Ruined by LP Lovell

Book: Ruined by LP Lovell Read Free Book Online
Authors: LP Lovell
Tags: LP Lovell, She Who Dares, Ruined
    God, I need water, but I don’t think I can make it to the kitchen. I feel like I’m going to hurl. I bend over and drink straight from the tap.
    When I get back into my bedroom, Hugo hasn’t moved. I sit on the end of my bed, deliberating what to do with myself. A glance at the clock on my bedside table tells me it’s gone ten. God, I should get up and do something.
    “Just fucking get back in bed.” Hugo mutters.
    I turn, facing him. I can’t see his face, as his arm is still covering it. “What?”
    “I know you’re freaking out, because it’s Sunday and you should do something.” He says in a mocking voice.
    “Yeah, well some of us actually work in the week.” I retort.
    He snorts. “Sweetness, you did more than enough last night. Now, you recover. If you’re desperate to do something, I’ll take you later.” His voice is still thick with sleep.
    “Don’t you need to go home?” I ask. “What about Gary?”
    “Maria’s in this morning. She’ll let him out. She’ll be pretty happy she doesn’t have to clean up after me this morning.” Maria is Hugo and Theo’s house keeper. Neither of them need a full time house keeper, so they share her. She goes to Hugo’s Friday through Sunday, and cleans up after his parties, and with some of the shit that goes down at those parties, I can only assume she is paid very, very well. “Come on.” He says, pulling back the duvet on my side.
    Bed does sound so appealing right now. I feel as though my brain is trying to escape through my nose. I climb in and relax into my fluffy pillows. Hugo opens his arms, and pulls me tight to his side. I stiffen for a moment.
    He doesn’t even open his eyes. “Relax Molly, I’m not going to jump you. I just like sleeping with you. You’re comfy. I wasn’t going to come near you last night in case you threw up on me.” He smiles.
    “Careful.” I mumble. “Keep saying shit like that, and you might grow a vagina.”
    “You’re right. In fact my junk may have just shrunk a little.” He shoves his hand under the duvet, groping himself.
    “Will you stop?!” I hiss. “I do not need you touching your peen right next to me. Gross.”
    He laughs, the deep rumble vibrating his chest under my ear. It relaxes my tense muscles, and the warmth of his body filters through my shirt. My bare legs press against his hairy ones, and a feeling of familiarity, of safety, washes over me. Whatever Hugo and I are or were, he’s always been somewhat comforting to me. That may be strange, but it’s true. I rest my head on his shoulder and inhale the fresh scent of him. Even laced with tequila and cigarettes, he still manages to smell, clean and refreshing. I fall asleep to his slow breathes, with his arm wrapped tightly around my waist.
    I’m dying on the sofa when the door buzzer goes. It’s mid-afternoon, and I don’t really feel any better. I’ve managed to make it from my bed to the sofa, but that’s it. I even still have my duvet. Hugo stays with me, watching TV and trying to feed me, which isn’t going over so well. Mostly though, he just takes the piss out of me. Hugo doesn’t get up early enough to experience hang overs, he sleeps right through them. Not to mention the fact that his alcohol tolerance must be through the roof.
    He gets up to answer the door. A few minutes later and Theo and Lilly appear. Lilly has on a hoody, with the hood pulled up, and a massive pair of sunglasses. She kicks her shoes off and immediately crawls under my duvet on the sofa with me. She tucks herself between me and the back of the sofa, and wraps her arms around me, spooning me. Our sofa is easily as wide as a single bed.
    “I think I’m dying.” She whines.
    “Me, too.” I groan.
    “Can tequila induce a stroke? I can’t feel my face. Call Alex. Ask him.” She mumbles into my hair.
    Laughter, that’s all I hear from Hugo and Theo. Bastards.
    “Next time you’re hung over, I’m going to start blasting rock music

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