Murder on the Links

Free Murder on the Links by Agatha Christie

Book: Murder on the Links by Agatha Christie Read Free Book Online
Authors: Agatha Christie
After all she was little more than a child, and her curiosity had probably been of the unthinking order.
    'I did my best to stop you, you know,' I said gently.
    'I suppose you did. Well, goodbye.'
    'Look here, you can't start off like that - all alone. You're not fit for it. I insist on accompanying you back to Merlinville.'
    'Nonsense. I'm quite all right now.'
    'Supposing you felt faint again? No, I shall come with you.'
    But this she combated with a good deal of energy. In the end, however, I prevailed so far as to be allowed to accompany her to the outskirts of the town. We retraced our steps over our former route, passing the grave again, and making a detour on to the road. Where the first straggling line of shops began, she stopped and held out her hand.
    'Goodbye, and thank you ever so much for coming with me.'
    'Are you sure you're all right now?'
    'Quite, thanks. I hope you won't get into any trouble over showing me things.'
    I disclaimed the idea lightly.
    'Well, good-bye.'
    'Au revoir,' I corrected. 'If you're staying here, we shall meet again.'
    She flashed a smile at me.
    'That's so. Au revoir, then.'
    'Wait a second, you haven't told me your address.'
    'Oh, I'm staying at the Hôtel du Phare. It's a little place, but quite good. Come and look me up tomorrow.'
    'I will,' I said, with perhaps rather unnecessary empressement.
    I watched her out of sight, then turned and retraced my steps to the Villa. I remembered that I had not relocked the door of the shed. Fortunately no one had noticed the oversight, and turning the key I removed it and returned it to the sergent de ville. And, as I did so, it came upon me suddenly that though Cinderella had given me her address I still did not know her name.

Murder on the Links

Chapter 9
    In the salon I found the examining magistrate busily interrogating the old gardener Auguste. Poirot and the commissary, who were both present, greeted me respectively with a smile and a polite bow. I slipped quietly into a seat. M. Hautet was painstaking and meticulous in the extreme, but did not succeed in eliciting anything of importance.
    The gardening gloves Auguste admitted to be his. He wore them when handling a certain species of primula plant which was poisonous to some people. He could not say when he had worn them last. Certainly he had not missed them. Where were they kept? Sometimes in one place, sometimes in another. The spade was usually to be found in the small tool-shed. Was it locked? Of course it was locked. Where was the key kept? Parbleu, it was in the door of course. There was nothing of value to steal. Who would have expected a party of bandits, or assassins? Such things did not happen in Madame la Vicomtesse's time.
    M. Hautet signifying that he had finished with him, the old man withdrew, grumbling to the last. Remembering Poirot's unaccountable insistence on the footprints in the flower-beds, I scrutinized him narrowly as he gave his evidence. Either he had nothing to do with the crime or he was a consummate actor. Suddenly just as he was going out of the door an idea struck me.
    'Pardon, Monsieur Hautet,' I cried, 'but will you permit me to ask him one question?'
    'But certainly monsieur.'
    Thus encouraged, I turned to Auguste.
    'Where do you keep your boots?'
    'On my feet,' growled the old man. 'Where else?'
    'But when you go to bed at night?'
    'Under my bed.'
    'But who cleans them?'
    'Nobody. Why should they be cleaned? Is it that I promenade myself on the front like a young man? On Sunday I wear the Sunday boots, but otherwise -' He shrugged his shoulders.
    I shook my head, discouraged.
    'Well, well,' said the magistrate, 'we do not advance very much. Undoubtedly we are held up until we get the return cable from Santiago. Has anyone seen Giraud? In verity that one lacks politeness! I have a very good mind to send for him and -'
    'You will not have to send far.'
    The quiet voice startled us. Giraud was standing outside looking in

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