Wolf on a Leash

Free Wolf on a Leash by Virginia Nelson

Book: Wolf on a Leash by Virginia Nelson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Virginia Nelson
Tags: Black Hills Wolves
forehead against the door as her palms flattened against the metal. Tugging her hips up, he entered her from behind, one long thrust of flesh against flesh.
    As always, she was more than ready for his impalement, stretching to fit his thick length and groaning at the completion of having him inside her. His teeth clamping down on the tender spot between her shoulder and neck made her cry out, and he thrust again, pushing her hard against the cold door. “That means you’ll need to be punished, you know that, right?”
    She didn’t answer—couldn’t, even if she had considered a rebellion to test him. She was too busy riding his length and shivering as she felt him both inside her pussy and embedded in her heart.
    She’d never again feel alone and forgotten. She’d found home in the arms of her mate and again in the bosom of the pack she’d almost forsaken. But then she couldn’t think anything at all as her mate pounded into her and whispered again and again his litany of love. “Mine.”
    She was his and he was hers. The submissive Wolf had claimed a Dominant.
    And she’d be damned if she let him go.

    I had the great pleasure to be able to visit a couple different clubs over the years. What I saw wasn’t the stereotypical relationships so often conveyed in this sort of storytelling. I saw love. I saw fun. I saw exploration. I saw discovery.
    I saw that the lifestyle could mean a lot of different things to a lot of different people—from experimenting with kink to a constant choice that frames the individual’s whole life and world. The most important thing I saw? A dom’s relationship with their submissive isn’t supposed to be just about toys and sex. The submissive submits because they know that the dominant party will take care of them and cherish that gift of trust.
    For those I know living the lifestyle, hopefully I’ve managed to tell a story that reflects, if only a little, the kind of respect and trust I saw in your relationships.

    Want more Black Hills Wolves?
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    Naming His Mate by M. Limoges

    Chapter One
    Mike Hadley adjusted his gun holstered on the belt at his waist and tugged his jacket over the weapon, concealing it from clear view. There wasn’t any doubt he’d incite a riot if he walked inside with his piece visible.
    Coming here, to this place in the middle of nowhere, shouldn’t have troubled him. He’d stepped into shittier, more unstable situations than this hole-in-the-wall bar, but damn if a thread of apprehension didn’t prickle the length of his spine as he stood outside of the entrance. One small detail kept him from strolling into the establishment like he owned the place, and he sincerely hoped that minor detail stayed home tonight.
    He rolled his neck from side to side in a bid to loosen the tension in his shoulders. With an air of confidence he didn’t quite feel, he pulled open the heavy steel door and strode inside the Den.
    Thirty seconds was all it took for activity to grind to a screeching halt. The drawl of a country ballad playing on the music box in the far corner thumped through the stifling air. Weighted stare after weighted stare met his gaze head on as he scanned the bar’s occupants. Their open hostility battered at his senses.
    He wasn’t welcome. That much was apparent, but he would deal with it. Despite a bar full of unfriendly locals, the absence of one in particular shaved off a degree of his unease.
    Of course, his anxiety hardly mattered. As sheriff of the small town of Collins, South Dakota, it was his job to investigate a rash of disappearances over the last several weeks. Unfortunately, the trail had led him to the neighboring, inhospitable town and people of Los Lobos.
    Collins’ residents had learned years ago they wouldn’t receive a kind welcome from the little settlement. Most went out of their way to avoid

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