Ghost Of A Chance (Harlequin Te(

Free Ghost Of A Chance (Harlequin Te( by Unknown

Book: Ghost Of A Chance (Harlequin Te( by Unknown Read Free Book Online
Authors: Unknown
possibly know about me. And I don't think,
    from what I've learned about them, that they can resist the lure of old
    Miss Creswell's mansion. It's a perfect setup."
    "There is no such thing as a perfect setup and if you'd had a little
    experience trying to carry out 'flawless' schemes, you'd know what I'm
    talking about!"
    "I'm sure a little experience would be extremely useful, but I don't have
    time to get it."
    "So you tried to take a shortcut by coming here to get my help and
    She focused on the scene outside the kitchen window. The roads had
    been cleared that morning but the blanket of snow still made a postcard
    setting. "That was the general idea."
    "The best advice I can give you is to stay out of it."
    "That's the one piece of advice I'm not willing to take." She dried the
    plates and stacked them neatly on the cupboard shelf. "Just as you and
    Michael wouldn't take my advice not to go to that horrid little island six
    months ago."
    There was a tense pause from across the room. Then Julian stated
    coldly, "It was my job to go. And it was Michael's job to come with me."
    "I know that now," Anne said simply. "I've accepted the fact that both of
    you felt you had to go. I haven't blamed either of you for a long time."
    "Is that the truth, Anne?"
    "Are you sure that on some level you're not still hating me for what
    happened to your brother?"
    "Michael made his own decision. I understand that now," she said
    quietly. "He also told me that you saved his life that night he got shot.
    After the sniper wounded him you risked your own neck to go out into the
    open and drag him back to safety."
    "He would have done the same for me. Michael and I were in that mess
    together. We had a job to do."
    "So do I."
    "The hell you do! This isn't an assignment you have to carry out. You're
    doing this strictly to avenge Mike."
    "Same thing," she shrugged.
    "Anne, this is ridiculous. Mike can take care of himself. He can handle
    everything when he's back on his feet."
    "That could be a long time. They hurt him very badly, Julian," she said
    "All right!" Julian roared. "If you're going to be totally unreasonable
    about this, there's nothing I can do…"
    "Except go with you," he concluded bluntly.
    Anne lifted her head, startled. "Go with me? But, Julian, that's out of
    the question. I realized that the first night I arrived. You've got too much
    recovering to do. All I'm asking from you now is a little advice. Or perhaps
    you know someone who could help me. You must have some contacts."
    "We'll leave tomorrow."
    "Impossible! You're not coming with me." She tossed the dish towel
    down on the counter and faced him with her hands planted firmly on her
    hips. "You've been very ill, Julian. You need rest. A lot of it."
    "It's a stalemate, lady," he said wearily. "I can't stop you from going and
    you can't stop me from going with you. Both of us seem to have received
    an overdose of stubbornness somewhere along the line."
    "Now you're the one who's being ridiculous, Julian. I am not going to
    allow you to come with me in your present condition."
    He slanted her a glance that held mockery and menace. "What are you
    going to do? Tie me to the bed?"
    "If necessary!" she shot back unwisely.
    Julian was off the couch an instant later. The brown toweling robe he'd
    put on earlier at Anne's insistence flapped carelessly open as he swooped
    across the room. He reached her in three long strides, seizing her by the
    "The only way you can keep me in bed is by staying there with me," he
    gritted softly. "Anytime you want to repeat what happened between us
    that first night you arrived, just let me know."
    "I've told you, nothing happened," Anne said very bravely, aware that
    she couldn't move under the grip of his hands.
    "Don't give me that nonsense. We both know you wound up lying
    beneath me, all soft and sweet and on fire. I've been through enough
    hallucinations to know the difference between reality

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