Changing His Game (Gamers #1)

Free Changing His Game (Gamers #1) by Megan Erickson

Book: Changing His Game (Gamers #1) by Megan Erickson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Megan Erickson
ground. She wobbled slightly and grabbed the wall behind her.
    He pulled off the condom, tied it, and hid it under some papers in a trashcan in the corner.
    Marley’s eyes were glassy and she looked thoroughly ravished—wild, sweaty hair framing her face, skirt pushed up to her waist, tank top pushed down below her breasts.
    Without a word, he put her back together while she watched him with steady eyes and heaving breaths. He clipped her bra, then slipped her arms through her tank top and covered her. He tugged down on her skirt and smoothed it into place.
    She deserved to be taken care of. God, she deserved everything for giving him what she had. Herself.
    Her trust.
    As he tucked himself into his pants and zipped up, he spotted the light blue tie on the floor at his feet. He picked it up and ran his fingers over the fabric, touching the areas where her tears had stained it.
    He gripped her wrist and held her hand, palm up. He coiled the length of the tie in her hand and wrapped her fingers around it. “You can keep this,” he said.
    Now that the rush to orgasm, the rush to be with her had worn off, he realized where they were. A supply closet. At Marley’s job. In a building he owned.
    For a man who claimed so much control, did he really have any at all?
    He met Marley’s gaze, wondering if she regretted this. What had he been thinking? Their first time shouldn’t have been against a cinder block wall surrounded by computer parts.
    First time.
    Would there be another? If there wasn’t, he might lose his mind.
    He opened his mouth, to say what, he wasn’t sure. To apologize for taking her in a supply closet? For not asking her out like a proper man?
    For not telling her he was—
    A beep sounded behind them. Austin moved away from her and stood against the wall by the door.
    Marley’s eyes widened as the door opened into the room, covering Austin in shadow.
    He couldn’t see who it was, but Marley recovered quickly, giving whoever had stepped into the closet a bright smile.
    “Oh sorry!” said a male voice. “Didn’t know anyone was still here.”
    “It’s okay.” Marley reached for something on the shelf near her and then held it up. “Just needed to get a mouse.”
    “Okay, I was going to tidy up in here. I’ll just work on the bathrooms first and pop back in here later.”
    “That’s fine.” Marley smiled again, and Austin thought she’d make a great actress. He couldn’t believe she looked so put together after what they did.
    The door closed, and Austin stepped forward. “Marley, I—”
    The smile fell from her face and she held up a trembling hand. “I don’t want to regret what we just did, but we almost got caught having sex in the supply closet where we work. That’s not okay, Austin. This is so far from professional, I don’t even know where to start. You’re my coworker .”
    This issue hung like a cloud over them, ready to unleash the rain. He could come clean here, tell her who he was. But Austin couldn’t seem to thaw his tongue enough to spill the truth. It wasn’t that he didn’t think she was trustworthy, it was that he didn’t want to find her trustworthy. Because as soon as he did, he’d be in deep shit. Deeper than he already was.
    Standing there, she looked so fragile. The room smelled like sex. He could still taste her on his tongue.
    He’d email her later, maybe, when they weren’t both so raw from what happened. This would be it then. The last time he’d have her like this.
    So he took a deep breath and said, “You’re right.”
    That brought a larger, much more threatening cloud over his head, which pulsed with electricity, ready to strike him with lightning at any moment. Because he’d just omitted a hell of a lot by agreeing with her.
    Marley shook her head. “I don’t know what we were thinking. And I’m not blaming you, because I participated. But this is my job.” She stamped her foot on the last word and then pointed a finger at him. “And I know

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