Second Wife

Free Second Wife by Unknown

Book: Second Wife by Unknown Read Free Book Online
Authors: Unknown
was placed on the table in front of
    him. „In fact, he’ll be turning four in a few days. He looks a lot like me.“
    „Is that right?“ She didn’t know what else to say. She picked up her fork and poked at the tortellini.
    „So I owe this evening’s scene to some gossiping friend of yours,“ Flynn mused. He used his knife to
    slice into the prime rib in a quick, brutal manner.
    „Beth wasn’t gossiping! She assumed I knew all about the boy.“
    „All about Jeremy,“ Heather repeated unhappily. His insistence on making her use his son’s name was
    deliberate and she knew it. He wanted to force her to think of the boy as an individual, not just a vague,
    unknown child who could be lumped together in her mind with every other child in the world. „This evening’
    s scene, as you call it, came about because I was furious about being kept in the dark. I wanted to force
    you to admit exactly what you were up to when you asked me to marry you. You said that regardless of
    whatever else you’ve done, you’ve never lied to me. Well, as far as I’m concerned, keeping Jeremy a se-
    cret comes damn close.“
    „You’re acting as if you’d just learned I’ve got another lover instead of a son.“
    Heather closed her eyes in brief despair. „You don’t understand how I feel, do you? You never did
    understand me. It was a mistake to even think about trying to rebuild what we once had. As usual, you’re
    just looking for the most expedient way of getting what you want. Last time around it was a roll in the sack
    and a chance to punish a woman for what your wife had done. This time you happen to need a mother
    for… for Jeremy.“
    His knife still gripped in one fist, Flynn suddenly leaned forward. His eyes were relentless and accusing.
    „And what is it you’re looking for, Heather? The perfect man who has been kept under glass for the past
    thirty or forty years, untouched by life? Someone who hasn’t made any mistakes? Who’s always treated
    you like a princess? Who comes to you with a clean slate and no embarrassing encumbrances such as an
    ex-wife and a kid?“
    „Sounds wonderful,“ she shot back fiercely, angered by the way he was trying to put her on the de-
    fensive. He was the one on trial this evening as far as she was concerned. Trust Flynn to try to reverse
    things. „He would be someone with whom I could start fresh. Someone with whom I could build a future.“
    „Well, good luck finding him, because I doubt that he’s out there.“ Flynn sat back and attacked his meat
    again. His full attention seemed to be on dissecting the prime rib. „What’s more, I’m not sure you’ve got
    much to offer such a paragon, even if you do succeed in locating him.“
    Heather paled under the insult. She felt as if he’d struck her. Wide-eyed, she stared at Flynn, her trem-
    bling fingers thrust into a small, tight fist in her lap. „As usual,“ she whispered, „you’ve had the last word.
    You were always so good with words. I’d like to leave now, Flynn. I can’t possibly eat another bite.“
    His head came up abruptly, eyes narrowing as he took in the expression on her face. „Oh, hell,“ he
    grated, setting down his knife. „I didn’t mean that the way it sounded.“
    „Didn’t you? I think you made yourself quite clear. Will you take me home, or shall I call a cab?“
    „Heather,“ he growled, „listen to me. I was angry.“
    „I’m sick of being the one you turn on when you’re angry,“ she snapped.
    „I don’t like being set up. You should have asked about Jeremy the minute you found out about him.
    There was no need for all this game playing tonight. And as for what I said a minute ago, I’ll be glad to ex-
    plain what I meant.“
    „Forget it.“
    „The hell I will. You seem to want a perfect romantic illusion, a fairy-tale affair, not a real marriage.
    Marriage means a home and a husband who might not always treat you perfectly. In this case it also

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