NocC 010 - The Ancients 04 - Bonnie Vanak - Seduced by the Wolf - Harlequin 2012-03

Free NocC 010 - The Ancients 04 - Bonnie Vanak - Seduced by the Wolf - Harlequin 2012-03 by Nocturne

Book: NocC 010 - The Ancients 04 - Bonnie Vanak - Seduced by the Wolf - Harlequin 2012-03 by Nocturne Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nocturne
let go of that as well.
    Silence quivered in the air. Jarrett opened his eyes.
    The Fae remained still on the mine floor. Ariel slumped against the wall, motionless and pale.
    Didn’t work. Damnit, what more could he do? Jarrett opened his fingers. “Please,” he whispered in a broken voice. “I forgive myself. Release them.”
    A mocking silence answered him.
    He hadn’t felt this helpless since Chloe died. This was worse. At least when he’d lost Chloe, he’d tried to save her, tried to stop the bleeding. Now he didn’t know what he could do. Let go of the guilt? Fine, he let go. Didn’t work.
    “What the hell do you want from me?” he screamed.
    Jarrett sank down beside Ariel. He gathered her into his arms, her body like a block of ice. He kissed her forehead, his lips numbing at the chill.
    “Ariel, I’m sorry. I’m sorry I failed you.”
    Tears blurred his eyes. Emotions crowded his chest, making it ache as if a load of rocks settled there. He felt her life slipping away, the light fading from her.
    “I love you, Ariel. I didn’t want to admit it before, it was safer not being in love. I didn’t want to hurt again. Hell, it hurt so damn much before. I don’t care if it hurts. Anything is better than losing you and not letting you know.”
    He rested his wet cheek atop her head, the coldness sinking deep into his flesh. Jarrett sobbed, releasing all his emotions. The flood crested over him and slammed with the force of a tidal wave, drowning him. He floated on the current, letting it take him, continuing to cry as he held Ariel’s body.
    Then he felt a small movement beneath him.
    Ariel opened her eyes.
    No white light flickered there. They were blue as cornflowers. She blinked, looking dazed.
    Around them the other Fae began stirring and moaning.
    Joy surged through him. He cradled her close, not daring to let go. But she gestured to the center of the room.
    “Look,” she said softly.
    An oblong black puddle lay on the floor. As they watched, it began to evaporate, and then it vanished.
    “My emotions.” He wiped his eyes and stood, helping her upward.
    Ariel touched a stray tear trickling down his cheek. “You cried. Finally. It killed the monster your guilt created. Like dousing fire with water.”
    She gave him a wobbly smile. “I heard you talking. It sounded as if you were miles away. But you said you loved me. I love you too, Jarrett. I think I always have.”
    Jarrett held her close, relishing the solid feel of her delicate bones beneath her pale, now-warm skin.
    If he held her like this forever, it wouldn’t be long enough.

Chapter Twelve
    “Are you certain you want to do this?”
    Ariel looked so serious as she studied him. They stood outside the perimeter of the fenced-off meadow.
    “Yes. I need to do this.” He glanced at the acres of field, feeling a ghost of ancient grief tug him. “The land needs to be cleansed.”
    For a full week, they had remained secluded in the cabin, gathering their strength. Last night Cael had presided over the ceremony sealing Ariel and Jarrett together as mates. Beneath the clear night, they had declared their love for each other, the Fae colony and the pack looking on.
    Jarrett closed his eyes, remembering that night. Her silvery gown shimmering in the moonlight, her eyes sparkling with love, Ariel looked like a vision. He’d been so overwhelmed with joy, he had to keep assuring himself it wasn’t a dream and he’d awaken, alone once more.
    Cael had pressed their hands together, binding them with a fertile vine the Fae called Tamrea, as a symbol of their eternal love for each other, “so it would always bear fruit to each other and those around them.”
    Sam was at his side as Jarrett recited his vows. His Beta beamed at him, and once in a while stole shy glances at his serene mate, who clasped her hands over the small rise of her belly.
    She was pregnant, as were several other pack females.
    Opening his eyes, he now glanced at

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