Tasting Candy

Free Tasting Candy by Anne Rainey

Book: Tasting Candy by Anne Rainey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anne Rainey
Tags: Romance, Contemporary, Adult
Never degrading or humiliating. He wanted to break down her barriers, force her to toss her inhibitions to the curb, but he knew he’d get nowhere if he didn’t tread carefully. As it was, she was already shaking with nervous tension, and that wasn’t at all what he wanted. Blade wanted her shaking with passion, not fear.
    With her pleasure paramount in his mind, Blade unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans, then pushed them down his legs. Fully aware he had no underwear on—he’d had to toss them after his pathetic loss of control on the couch—Blade watched as Candice saw his cock for the first time. Her pretty blue eyes turned heavy with arousal and her mouth opened into an enticing “O”. If he didn’t miss his guess, Blade would say she liked what
    she saw. And he liked that she liked.
    He yanked and tossed his jeans aside, then lowered himself to the floor until he was eye level with her smooth thighs. The position put his cock out of her line of sight, for now. He leaned his elbows onto the bed and kept her snared in his sights while he gently pried her legs wide. She was reluctant at first and Blade could feel her thigh muscles trembling, but after some gentle tugging, she relented. He moved them apart as far as they would go, then let his gaze drift over her from head to toe. He wanted her spread like a fucking banquet, appeasing his hungry touch and taste. His gaze took in her pussy, still hidden from his view by her cotton panties, and he frowned.
    “I want these off,” Blade demanded as he clutched them in his hands at either side of her hips. At the last second, he asked, “May I?” Candice eagerly bobbed her head, as if too frenzied with desire to speak. Yeah, Blade knew that feeling well.
    With one quick tug, he tore her panties in two. The startled sounds she made had him shushing her and smoothing his hands over her creamy hips and thighs. Transfixed by the

    Anne Rainey
    full nest of curls covering her glistening pussy, he murmured, “I won’t hurt you, Candy girl, but sometimes sex can be…rough.”
    Blade reached out and massaged her ribs and belly to calm her. She was so fucking sexy. He was having a hard time not jumping her bones.
    His voice was hoarse as he explained, “With the right person, with me, it will only ever feel good, never bad, sweetheart. You have my word of honor.”
    Blade hoped like hell he could stick to his word. He had vowed to give her pleasure and lots of it, but he needed control. Diving into Lake Erie on a chilly October evening ought to do the trick, but unfortunately, both the lake and October were a long way off. He’d need to rely on good old-fashioned self-control. No problem.
    Her eyelashes drifted closed as his palm began to massage her soft skin, barely grazing the underside of her plump breast. Then, teasingly, Blade skimmed down again, not allowing himself to cup the firm globes. Candice whimpered and her body quivered. Her responsiveness pleased him. She had the ability to draw forth every primitive instinct he possessed, even while she had his balls in the palms of her dainty hands without even so much as blinking her dark lashes. Did she have any idea of the power she held over him?
    Blade lightly touched the hair of her mound, his feelings rioting out of control. Just once he wanted to see Candice lose it. He wanted her to know what he’d been going through ever since seeing her at his brother’s office. Walking around, cocked and ready for that one specific person to yell “fire” hadn’t been the most pleasant of feelings. And for some damnable reason, only Candice could set things right. Only she held the magical key that would give him peace. Tonight, he’d bury himself deep and have her in so many ways that by the time they parted company, he’d be well and fully sated of Candice Warner.
    He cupped the soft down of her curls, luxuriating in the fact that he was finally able to. That he literally held her pleasure in his hand gave Blade a

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