
Free Wizard by Unknown

Book: Wizard by Unknown Read Free Book Online
Authors: Unknown
under the touch with the uninhibited pleasure of a cat being
    stroked. The prowling, tantalizing fingers slid down her thigh and up
    along the silken inside to the point where the satin underpanties barred
    his path. Sophy's knee flexed convulsively, her toes curling tightly.
    "You're safe here with me, sweetheart," he murmured as he slipped his
    finger under the elasticized edge of the panties and began to touch her in
    the most thrilling manner. The patterns he wove at the center of her
    softness made her cry out in wonder and delight.
    "Please, Max. Please…"
    The urge to touch him more intimately came upon her in a rush, and
    suddenly Sophy was pulling at the knot of his narrow tie, yanking at the
    buttons of his shirt and fumbling with the buckle of his belt.
    "Yes, darling, yes," he muttered, shrugging out of the shirt. He caught
    her fluttering hands when she would have paused to explore the expanse
    of his hair-roughened chest. "Finish undressing me, honey."
    Sophy did as he demanded and a moment later he lay beside her, totally
    nude. She gasped with pleasure and flexed her fingers like tiny claws
    against the bronzed skin of his sleek body.
    "God, Sophy, I feel like I'm burning up."
    "Oh, Max, you're so…so…" She couldn't take her eyes off his aroused,
    utterly masculine body.
    "So what?" he taunted softly with a shaky laugh. "So desperate for you?
    So full of aching desire that I hurt? I am, darling. Only you can give me
    any relief tonight. I've been wanting you since the first moment I saw you.
    I've never known such a hunger for a woman. You've got to satisfy me or
    I'll go out of my head. I can't wait any longer for you."
    He sprawled suddenly across her with undeniable intent, forcing her
    thighs apart with his own. His hands closed over her shoulders, anchoring
    her firmly beneath him, and he lay looking down at her with a fire blazing
    in his eyes.
    "Max, wait…" Too late Sophy realized it had all gone too far. Everything
    was spinning out of control. Her body was filled with sensual longing and
    her head was filled only with the desire to respond to Max's urgent
    "No, darling, I can't wait," he gritted with unexpected savagery as he
    covered her. "If I wait, I'll lose you." He blocked the words in her mouth
    with his lips and then he moved aggressively against her.
    He was so heavy, Sophy thought. Heavy and hard and irresistible. God,
    how she wanted him. Her own body was shivering with reaction and
    "Put your arms around me and hold on to me," he ordered thickly. "I'll
    keep you safe, Sophy. Just hold on to me."
    Blindly she obeyed, clinging to him as if he were her only source of
    security, even as a part of her dimly recognized that he was really the
    source of a threat unlike any she had ever known. Then he forged into her
    damp, heated softness, bringing a breathless cry of surrender into her
    throat. Greedily he swallowed the small sound. For a moment they both
    lay locked together in a kind of shock at the completeness of the union.
    Then slowly, powerfully, Max began to move.
    Sophy was utterly lost. Never had she known such exquisite, almost
    terrifying passion. It captivated and compelled and controlled. She could
    no more have escaped it now than she could have stopped the earth in its
    orbit. Max held her, taking everything she had to give and rewarding her
    with the gift of himself. It was unbelievably primitive, an act of fire and
    passion, and it came to an end in a shivering culmination that had
    Sophy's nails leaving small wounds on Max's back. Her whole body
    tightened with the exploding release, and even as she gave herself up to it,
    Sophy heard Max's shout of heady satisfaction as he followed her over the
    For long, endless moments Sophy allowed herself to drift on the
    outgoing tide of passion. Vaguely aware of the warmth of Max's
    perspiration-damp body, she listened to the sound of his breathing as it
    settled back into a normal pattern. His thigh still

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