
Free Creep by Jennifer Hillier

Book: Creep by Jennifer Hillier Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jennifer Hillier
Tags: Fiction, Suspense
couple of weeks had been torturous. Having to stand in front of two hundred students knowing that one of them had a video of her naked, writhing, and covered in sweat? Forget painful. It was humiliating.
    A student approached as Sheila was snapping her briefcase shut. She smiled to hide her annoyance. Leanne had been peppering her with questions lately, clearly a type A student who needed clarification on every test and assignment.
    “Of course everything we talk about in class is subject to examination,” Sheila said to the gangly student again, who had her pen and notebook ready in case she needed to jot something down. “As I said last week, Leanne, everything is testable. Class discussions, assigned reading. Even the footnotes.”
    “The footnotes, too?” Panic filled Leanne’s brown eyes, which were already comically wide. “Oh my God.”
    “I’m kidding.” Sheila placed a hand on the sophomore’s skinny arm. “A little professorial humor. Of course not the footnotes. Leanne, don’t fret so much. If you’ve done all the assigned readings and haven’t missed any lectures, you’ll be fine. And don’t forget to talk to your TA. What’s your last name again?”
    Sheila’s reassuring smile wavered slightly. “Then your teaching assistant is Ethan Wolfe. He’s your first source of information. Don’t be afraid to call or e-mail him, or drop by duringhis office hours to ask him questions. That’s what he’s there for.”
    She pointed to Ethan, who appeared to be having an intense discussion with a doe-eyed female student who’d taken a seat next to him. Another coed hovered nearby, waiting her turn. Ethan had always been good with the girls.
    “Um, Dr. Tao?” Leanne leaned closer and lowered her voice. “I did e-mail Ethan last week. Twice. And I called. And when I went by his office yesterday, he wasn’t there. I haven’t been able to get ahold of him for over a week. And I’m not the only one.” Leanne looked over her shoulder. “I’m not trying to get him in trouble. I know he’s supposed to handle these types of questions. But he hasn’t been available. Otherwise I’d never bother you with it.”
    Sheila thought for a moment, then patted Leanne’s arm again. “Of course it’s not a bother. You can come to me anytime. I’ll check with Ethan today and see what’s up, maybe his schedule’s out of whack somehow. I trust everything’s going well otherwise?” The brightness in Sheila’s tone was forced.
    “Everything’s fine.” Leanne’s dark ponytail bobbed up and down. “Great class, Professor. See you next week.”
    Sheila started shutting down her laptop. The PowerPoint presentation on the screen behind her disappeared. Slinging her bags over her shoulders, she risked one more glance at Ethan, only to find him staring at her again. He was alone now, books in hand, about to pack up his own bag.
    A trio of students still lingered in the lecture hall, chattering loudly in one of the aisles. Hesitating, Sheila walked toward Ethan, her insides tight.
    She couldn’t put it off any longer. It was time.
    “Professor Tao,” Ethan said as she approached. His lightgray eyes crawled over her face, missing nothing. “Great lecture today. Very engaging. Even learned something new, though of course I took this class as an undergrad. You have such a refreshing take on classic theories.”
    Always the terrific bullshitter. He usually got away with it because of his good looks and cocky demeanor. But today, the very sound of his voice made her want to throw up.
    “We need to talk.” Her voice was low. She was hyperaware of the three students still chatting about twenty feet away in the otherwise empty hall.
    “Oh?” He continued to study her. “About anything in particular?”
    “You know exactly what this is about.”
    “Let me guess. Leanne Armstrong tattled on me.” He finally broke eye contact to glance at his watch. “Can this wait?”
    Unbelievable. He knew

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