Right Of Possession

Free Right Of Possession by Jayne Castle

Book: Right Of Possession by Jayne Castle Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jayne Castle
returned and this morning she had to find a way to get rid of him. She didn't want to risk any further repetitions of last night's near surrender. With a determined, energetic motion Reva threw back the covers, ignoring Xavier's protests at being summarily awakened, and headed for the bathroom. A brisk shower was called for before she tackled her unwanted guest, Reva thought.
    The shower refreshed her considerably, as had the night's sleep. Reva emerged in her bathrobe, certain that Josh, whom she remembered distinctly as being an early riser, would already be up and about. Indeed, she was mildly surprised he hadn't awakened first. But, then, he had seemed genuinely exhausted last night, she reminded herself. She hesitated outside her bedroom door for a moment, listening for sounds of activity within, and frowned when she heard none. Reluctant to walk in as long as Josh still occupied the bed, Reva decided to forego dressing for the moment and headed, instead, for the kitchen. It seemed reasonable enough to provide him some breakfast before she told him to leave. He'd certainly provided her with enough meals in the past!
    She frowned as she peered into the nearly empty refrig-
    erator. A couple of grapefruit and some eggs were about all that looked appealing. Josh would be hungry, she thought wryly. He would probably be expecting something on the order of bacon and eggs and toast or stacks of hctcakes. Well, he would have to make do with what she normally ate, although she supposed she could double his portions of poached eggs and grapefruit.
    She puttered around the efficient little kitchen for a few minutes, preparing coffee and cutting the grapefruit. Then she paused once again to listen for sounds from behind her door. Nothing.
    Growing vaguely curious, Reva walked to the still-shut door and raised a hand to knock very gently. There was no response. Perhaps she should let him sleep, she thought. But surely he'd had enough rest by now. It was getting late. She knocked once again, louder. This time when there was no answer, she called his name.
    This time there was an answering thud from within. It sounded as if her alarm clock had been pushed off the bedside table. Growing somewhat worried, Reva called Josh's name once more and this time when there was no answer she pushed open the door, a quelling frown in place in case he was playing some sort of game with her.
    But Josh didn't look at all as though he were playing games. He didn't look as though he could even attempt the effort. Reva stared in consternation at his large form huddled, obviously shivering, beneath the weight of the quilt, the bedspread, and a couple of spare blankets he'd located at the foot of the bed.
    "Josh! What's wrong?" Hurrying into the room, Reva nearly tripped over the alarm clock which was lying on the floor, pushed there by an outflung hand that now trailed over the edge of the bed. He stirred at the sound of her
    voice, opening the honey-colored eyes just wide enough to regard her balefully through two narrow slits.
    "It's all right, Reva," he mumbled heavily. "I'll be up soon. Give me a few more minutes." His eyes closed as if the effort had been too much. The outflung hand rose to his forehead. "My head's killing me," he muttered.
    "You're ill!" Reva exclaimed.
    He opened his eyes and regarded her once again through the slitted lashes. "Something I picked up a few years ago on a trip to South America. It hits me once in a while." He winced painfully. "I'll be over it in a few days. Nothing for it but aspirin and rest."
    A few days! Reva stood beside the bed, staring nonplused at the man in it. She knew immediately that all her plans for getting rid of Josh Corbett by that afternoon had just vanished in a puff of smoke. She couldn't throw the man who had saved her life out of her apartment when he was in this condition!
    "Reva, honey, I want you to know I'm sorry about last night," Josh began half an hour later as he sat

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