Better Than Chocolate
long and feral, and what had begun as a mellow exploration quickly transformed into a wild embrace. Silvana's nails raked along the flesh of his back, while Rafael cupped her beautiful breasts, squeezing them together and pinching the taut buds of her nipples.
    Their tongues met, twined, dueled. When Paul slipped the tip of a wet finger inside Rafael's tightly puckered back entrance, he was past protests. Past shame and confusion. He shoved his ass closer to Paul's hand in an undulating thrust.
    Paul chuckled. “Easy there, big guy. I don't want to hurt you."
    Silvana arched her back, bringing her pussy back into contact with his cock. Rafael's hands fell from her breasts to her ribs, then slipped behind her to grip her ass. She knew what he wanted without being asked, and instantly lifted her legs, bringing them up on either side of his hips.
    His cock glided inside the creamy wetness of her folds, and a husky groan tore from his throat.
    "Yesssssssss!” Silvana gave a low, sibilant hissing cry and arched deeper into the mattress.
    The tip of Rafael's shaft slid inside her already soaked cunt. She clung to him with one hand while gripping the chocolate dildo like a lifeline in the other.
    His body hummed with arousal. Despite having already come once just minutes earlier, his rock-solid cock felt ready to burst at the slightest provocation.
    He got that provocation, times two.
    Silvana angled her sweet pussy so he had only to give the smallest of hip motions and his rod would slip all the way inside her. Behind him, Paul coaxed his virgin passage open with two slick fingers. The twin sensations of penetrating and being penetrated nearly drove him out of his mind with frantic, unabashed lust.
    Something shifted in his mind—a second presence he hadn't been aware of pounded against the inside of his skull. His vision fogged. Pain slammed into his temples.
    Rafael gasped, but before he could make sense of what was happening to him, Paul nudged the wide bulb of his cockhead against the entrance he'd been so expertly taunting until that very moment. The other man's shaft was slick with a substance Rafael wasn't sure he could name. Saliva, maybe? He didn't think Paul had time to find lube, but in his lust-shrouded haze, he supposed anything was possible.
    The moment the smooth, thick length began to fill his passage, all logical thoughts fled from Rafael's mind. He remained aware of the shadowy presence raging inside his skull, but it seemed dimmed now, distant. The pain lessened, too, replaced by an intense sensation in his ass that burrowed deep in his groin, tightening his balls and causing his rod to stiffen to unyielding steel.
    He pumped in and out of Silvana's tight channel with small, rhythmic undulations of his hips. Paul did the same, slipping in a little farther each time, until rivulets of heat tingled in Rafael's ass.
    The pleasure was unlike anything he'd ever imagined. It coursed through his veins, claiming him, possessing him. He arched back against the cock pummeling his ass, while at the same time thrusting forward, wanting to fill Silvana deeper, to hear her sweet, soft mewls of pleasure.
    "Rafael ... Rafael ... Rafael..."
    She chanted his name in silvery lilting tones sprinkled with gasps of passion. He didn't think he'd ever heard a more arousing sound.
    Paul dug his fingernails into Rafael's hips and impaled the full length of his shaft inside his ass. Rafael moaned and rocked his head back. Molten desire strummed his body like a guitar, filling his cock to near bursting.
    The pressure inside his mind heightened again, gathering behind his eyes. His vision went dark, but it didn't matter, because he could still imagine Silvana's curvy body writhing beneath him, her glistening pink lips mouthing his name.
    He parted his own lips intending to kiss her again, but before he could lower his head, something rigid and smooth slipped along his tongue.
    The flavor of chocolate slammed into his senses. Not thinking

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