Last Chance

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Book: Last Chance by Christy Reece Read Free Book Online
Authors: Christy Reece
had no choice, he picked up the
    phone. Time to call in the culprit and have him explain why he'd pilfered
    over a million dollars from company funds.
    * * *
    McKenna opened her eyes and blinked at the bright light streaming in
    from the high window across from her. Her bleary gaze took in her
    surroundings. Single bed, ratty chair, cheap desk, ancient television.
    Hotel...she was in a hotel in Marseille. What day was it?
    She moved and then groaned at the stiffness in her limbs, the dull
    throbbing on her back. How long had she been out this time? From the ache
    in her sore muscles, it had been at least a day, if not more. Hell, it had been
    Christy Reece
    two years since she'd had that kind of breakdown.
    With effort, McKenna got to her knees and looked around. She didn't
    remember much of what had happened once she got to the room. Apparently
    she'd collapsed as soon as she was inside. Thank God she'd at least had
    enough sense to close the door before she passed out.
    From past experience, she knew her legs wouldn't hold her yet, so she
    crawled toward the bathroom. Emptying her bladder was the most important
    issue at the moment. When she was done, then she would think about the
    other stuff she had to face.
    She reached the bathroom and managed to grab hold of the sink and
    pull herself up. Taking care of the most important matters first, she relieved
    the pressure on her bladder and then stripped off her clothes. A shower. She
    had to get clean. She could feel his hands on her, his breath on her...she had
    to scrub him off. It didn't matter that the event had occurred eight years ago.
    It felt recent, like it had happened only moments ago. She had to get his
    stench off. Now!
    Stumbling to the shower, she pushed aside the curtain and stepped
    inside. She twisted the knob and gasped. Ice-cold water gushed over her,
    chilling her in an instant. She didn't back away. Not only did the shock of
    freezing water wake her up, but the icy crispness immediately began to
    cleanse something inside her. The something that had felt defiled and
    corroded with filth every time Damon put his hands on her.
    At some point, rationality would return. This might have been her first
    meltdown in a while, but she used to have them all the time. She knew how
    to deal with them. Perseverance was key. Just like any other hell. You hung
    on with all your might, gritted your teeth, and survived.
    Hot steaming water finally emerged. McKenna peeled the paper from
    the cheap hotel soap and scrubbed her body vigorously. Sharp stings from
    the whip marks on her back wanted to pull her into that dark abyss of
    memory. She forced back the graphic images that flitted into her mind. After
    she was clean, the memories would once again be vanquished and she would
    be fine again. Seeing the young girl whipped was the only reason they had
    returned so vividly. It was nothing more than that.
    Seeking solace, McKenna pictured Lucas in her mind. And
    amazingly, peace came almost instantly. His beautiful smile that made her
    think of sunshine. Those silver-gray eyes that mesmerized and enticed. The
    integrity and honesty that seemed a natural part of him. And the actual
    caring and empathy she could see in him. All of those things and so much
    more were Lucas.
    And his kiss. That she'd had the nerve to kiss him was one thing; the
    Christy Reece
    reaction she'd had was something else. Most of her actions in life were born
    of sheer bravado. She did what she had to do and refused to think too much
    about it. And that's why she'd kissed him. Bravado had put her in his arms;
    the incredible feelings the kiss evoked had kept her there. She had never felt
    like that before. She'd heard and read enough to know that other people did,
    but she'd never thought she could be one of them. Lucas Kane had made her
    feel like a sensual, sexually healthy woman.
    Realizing the water was cold once again and the soap almost gone
    from her rough usage, McKenna turned the water

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