Last Chance

Free Last Chance by Christy Reece

Book: Last Chance by Christy Reece Read Free Book Online
Authors: Christy Reece
loneliness in his father's
    eyes. He never really knew what his father was searching for. Sadly, his
    father didn't seem to know what he was searching for, either. Saddest part of
    all was that he never found it.
    The first year after his father's death had been horrific. Stocks had
    been plunging already, but with Phillip's sudden death and his son's
    unproven record, few people believed Kane Enterprises could survive. Five
    years later, not only had they survived, they'd doubled profits in some areas
    and many of the companies were now bigger than before. Kane's vast
    interests throughout the world had made them a household name. Lucas
    always tried to keep ego out of his success; however, he knew that his father
    would be proud of him. And that gave Lucas some measure of happiness.
    Yes, he missed the day-to-day challenge of the agency. He couldn't
    deny that, but his loyalty to his family's empire had to come first. Kane
    Enterprises employed thousands throughout Europe. He might not be saving
    the world, but putting people to work, food in their bellies, and children
    through college was a worthwhile endeavor. Just because it wasn't fun didn't
    mean it wasn't worthwhile.
    Though Kane Industries was just one part of Kane Enterprises, it was
    a healthy, thriving part. But now someone was stealing without having
    earned it. Since Lucas had taken over the reins, Kane Enterprises had
    become known for its charitable endeavors as much as its moneymaking
    ventures. By stealing from Kane Industries, this person was literally taking
    food out of the mouths of needy people. Lucas didn't take too kindly to that.
    After seeing the ugliest as well as the most beautiful of humanity in
    his undercover work, Lucas's goals for Kane Enterprises were simple: take
    care of his employees, help the helpless, and make the world a better place
    for having lived in it. Idealistic? Yes. Lucas made no apologies for his
    beliefs. He was both hated and loved for the way he lived his life and ran his
    Christy Reece
    business. Opinions didn't matter. He didn't live to please people; he lived to
    be able to face himself in the mirror. If he had the means to help but didn't,
    just what kind of lowlife did that make him?
    McKenna would understand that kind of philosophy. McKenna . Lucas
    raised his gaze from his desk and looked out the window. Canary Wharf was
    spread out below him, but all he saw was the vulnerability and beauty of the
    woman he couldn't forget. Where was she? How was she? He had done as
    she requested. He had stopped trying to find her. She knew where he was.
    Knew he cared for her. The rest had to be up to her.
    He tried not to think about the danger she constantly put herself in.
    He, more than anyone, knew that one wrong decision could end her life. She
    was well trained and she'd chosen this life. He respected her decision and
    admired her. In a way, he worried more for her mental stability than he did
    for her life. She was hiding something deep within her. Something traumatic
    and life-changing. He only wished she had trusted him enough to share it.
    When he'd kissed her...Lucas closed his eyes. As usual when he
    thought about that kiss, his heart raced and his body hardened. But when
    he'd kissed her, he'd recognized that not only was she inexperienced in the
    art of kissing, she was also terrified. Yes, the shaking of her slender body
    could have come from arousal, but the fear in her eyes was something else.
    She'd been afraid of him, but she was also attracted to him.
    Having McKenna fear him cut deep. Someone had hurt his angel, and
    whoever it was, Lucas wanted to tear the bastard apart. But until she came to
    him, allowed him to help her, he could do nothing. He respected her too
    much to ask her for something she wasn't ready to give. She knew where he
    was...he just hoped she would come back to him, and soon.
    With a sigh, Lucas looked back down at the glaring discrepancies in
    the latest quarterly reports. Knowing he

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