Play Safe (Make the Play #1)

Free Play Safe (Make the Play #1) by Amber Garza

Book: Play Safe (Make the Play #1) by Amber Garza Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amber Garza
tense moment. She stands and steps toward me. “Emerson! It’s so good to see you, sweetie.” Olivia is the only person on earth that calls me by my full name. She’s also the only person who calls my brother Callahan. But I don’t mind. In fact, it would probably sound weird if she called me Emmy. Wrapping her arms around me, she pulls me into a tight embrace. “I feel like I haven’t seen you in forever.”
    It’s only been a couple of weeks, but I welcome the affection. Besides, I missed her too. The last few times she came to dinner I was out with Josh or Ashley.
    Drawing back from me, her gaze lands on Josh. “You’re Josh, right?”
    Josh narrows his eyes and my insides coil. But then he nods. “Yep.” It’s not exactly a warm reception, but at least he doesn’t say anything rude.
    “Olivia.” She sticks out her hand.
    Josh looks at it, but doesn’t take it. “I know who you are.”
    “All right.” Mom claps her hands. “Dinner is on.”
    I’m grateful for the interruption. Throwing Olivia an apologetic glance, I yank Josh’s arm, tugging him toward the extra chair Mom put out for him. As I slide into my chair, my eyes meet Christian’s. He looks pissed. Like really pissed. Lowering my gaze, I take a deep breath. Mom sits at the head of the table and everyone starts passing the food around. Josh’s arm brushes my elbow periodically as he scoops food onto his plate. Conversations spin around me, but I keep my head down willing the night to end.
    Pretty soon my plate’s filled with food, but I can’t eat a bite of it. My stomach churns so hard, I’ve lost my appetite. My head bent, I push food around my plate with my fork. Apparently Josh’s appetite is still intact though. Out of the corner of my eye, I see him shoveling in forkfuls as if he’s never eaten before. Annoyance surfaces. He’s ruined this night for me, and he’s not fazed at all. Typical.
    “Cal, did you see that play that Aaron made at practice yesterday?” Christian says.
    “Yeah, dude, that was awesome.”
    “I know. He’s the best shortstop we’ve had. It’s gonna suck for you guys when he’s gone next year, Josh,” Christian says, an edge to his voice.
    My head snaps up. Josh’s face reddens.
    “I’ll be on shortstop then, so we’ll be fine.” Josh seethes.
    “If you really want them to put you on shortstop you better step up your game.” Christian lets out a tiny chuckle.
    “Yeah, man, you’ve bombed at second the last couple of practices,” Cal interjects.
    Seriously. Get me the hell out of here.
    “I have not.” Josh bristles.
    “Boys,” Mom interjects. “No more sports talk about the table.”
    “Okay. Why don’t you tell us how Bracken is? Didn’t you say he was going in for chemo today?” Cal laughs, humoring her.
    “Why, yes, actually. So, you do listen to me.” Mom beams.
    Josh appears puzzled.
    I shake my head. “Bracken is one of Mom’s newest characters,” I explain, desperately wishing I was one of Mom’s characters, too so I could hide inside the pages of a book.
    Josh leans down to whisper in my ear as Mom launches into her latest plot. “Don’t take this the wrong way, but your family is weird.”
    Trust me, I’m aware.
    Josh’s lips graze my cheek when he pulls back. Pausing, he stamps a kiss on my skin. But it doesn’t feel like an act of love, more like he’s marking his territory. Glancing up, I catch Christian staring at us, his eyes steely. He looks ready to pop a fuse. It almost seems like he’s jealous, but I know better. This whole dinner I feel like I’m in the middle of a war between these boys. The funny thing is that I’m not sure it has to do with me at all. I’m nothing more than the tennis ball being volleyed back and forth. The object they are using to inflict harm in their stupid battle. And it’s giving me a massive headache.
    Tired of it, I excuse myself and hurry to the restroom. Once inside, I close the door firmly and blow out a breath. My

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