your pussy.” He wriggled a finger still in her passage.
“You’re so fuckin’ tight.”
    She licked her lips. “Have you ever been with
a virgin before?”
    Reed was close enough now that she could see
his expression—one of consternation, with perhaps a touch of guilt.
    “You prefer the experienced type?”
Insecurities flooded her, and she loosened her thighs.
    “The only type I got is the type that wants a
good, hard fuck, Beth.”
    She barely held in the shudder that tried to
escape. “Well, I want that.”
    “That ain’t what you want.” He pushed hair
out of his eyes impatiently. “You want sweet ‘n tender, and you
deserve it. Your first time should be special.”
    Sensing he was on the verge of changing his
mind, she resorted to dirty tactics. Sliding lower, she cupped his
erection in her hand. “This feels special to me.”
    He groaned as she moved her grip down his
shaft and up again. “A good guy’d do the right thing here.”
    “You feel good to me.” She hoped he knew she
meant that on more than just a physical level. Reed was surly and
rough, but she was sure there was a good, caring man underneath
that exterior. He wore it like a shell, in much the same way she
wore her cheerful mask that hid any hurts her father’s negligence
    “I ain’t good, ‘cause I ain’t walkin’ away.”
He pulled away long enough to remove his underwear, allowing her
time to do the same. When Reed returned to her, he seemed to have a
new sense of purpose as he started touching and kissing her again.
His cock nestled against her slick folds, and she lifted her hips,
wanting him inside her.
    “Please, Reed.” She whimpered when his head
pushed inside her, but barely stifled a curse when he pulled away.
“What?” Beth flinched when he cursed. “Did I do something
    He shook his head. “Nah, it ain’t you. I
can’t do this.”
    She did curse then, beyond frustrated. “I
don’t know how many ways there are to tell you I want you to fuck
me, Reed. I don’t give a damn that you’re fifteen years older, or a
grumpy dick most of the time. I want you.”
    To her surprise, he chuckled. “Good to know
where I stand, girl.” His expression revealed his own frustration.
“It ain’t that. I ain’t got protection.”
    “Oh. Ohhh.” Beth struggled with dates,
mentally calculating. “It’s not a problem.”
    He sagged a bit. “Thank god, girl, ‘cause the
only way my balls would get any bluer is if I dunked ‘em in a snow
    She laughed as he returned to her, nudging
her legs apart. “You’re a silver-tongued devil, Reed.”
    “I can be.” He aligned his cock with her
delicate tissue. “Maybe you need a reminder?”
    She shook her head. “Not right now. I just
need you.” Tightening her legs around him, she lifted upward as he
settled inside her tight passage. Beth winced a bit at the
stretching feeling, but it didn’t hurt.
    He held himself on his hands, clearly trying
to avoid crushing her. “You okay?”
    She nodded. “I thought there would be pain,
but it’s just a little uncomfortable.” When he pulled back to sink
in again, she experienced another twinge, but that soon faded. His
fingers dancing across her clit, coupled with the perfect way his
cock pushed against a sensitive spot inside her, soon catapulted
her straight into ecstasy, and she didn’t have the ability to worry
about her technique or be more than a little concerned that she was
being too enthusiastic as she bucked against him, straining for
every inch he gave her.
    She gripped his shoulders with so much
pressure she thought her nails were leaving marks. Rather than
loosen her hold, she applied a bit more, liking, on a primal level,
the idea of marking him. He was her man, and she wanted to leave
    Even primal thoughts fled as her orgasm
crested, crashing over her and making her convulse and cry out.
Reed’s muscles tightened, and he went rigid against her as his seed

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