La Cosa Nostra, This Thing of Ours

Free La Cosa Nostra, This Thing of Ours by Amie Nichols

Book: La Cosa Nostra, This Thing of Ours by Amie Nichols Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amie Nichols
he scoffs and I stare at him, the smile leaving my face. 
    "Geez, who pissed in your Wheaties?" I scoff back. The look of hurt on my face instantly makes him feel bad.
    "I'm sorry , Tara told me about the other night at Flame's. Are you seeing that guy now?" He seriously looks like he could cry. "He's bad news, Harper," he says, already knowing the answer to his question. 
    "We are taking it slow, don't worry about me. You know I can take care of myself," I tell him, miffed at the way he is acting. 
    "Slow. S o you haven't fucked him yet?" Jax blurts out a little too loud. The whole group's attention is now on us. 
    "Jesus , Jax!" I whisper, looking down at my book, avoiding the staring eyes. I have always been very clear with Jax that we are only friends. "Do I need to leave?" I whisper in his direction, as I feel him brooding beside me.
    " No, I just don't understand what he has that I don't." He is now facing me, whispering softly as the group goes back to their discussions. I just stare at him dumbfounded. "I know, I know. I'm a jealous asshole," he answers my stare.
    "He doesn 't have anything you don't have. You know that I love you..." He holds up his hand to stop me from finishing the sentence I've said so many times.
    "As a friend..." he huffs. "I just kind of hoped that as long as you weren't dating anyone, maybe there was hope," he mutters, giving me his best sad puppy dog eyes. "So you really haven't slept together yet?"
    "Not that it is any of you r business, but no." It's like his hope is renewed for a second. "That doesn't mean anything about us though. Even if it doesn't work out with Liam, we will still be only friends," I repeat.
    "I think I could handle you being with anyone but this guy."
    "Why?" I know he is intimidating, and I'm sure a lot of guys don't like him, but really, why would he say that?
    "Just forget it." He rolls his eyes at me and turns to the group to hear what they are discussing.
    Around 5:30 that evening , we are deep in a discussion when my phone beeps. My insides warm when I see it's a text from Liam. 
    When will you be done, Petal ?
    Soon I hope . I text back
    Can we go on a date?
    Tara had already told me that she and Tony were going to Flame's with another couple. Since the night Tara and Tony met, they had been inseparable. Liam had told Tony he wanted to bring me. She texted me earlier saying she couldn't wait for tonight. I had no idea what she was talking about so I called her. 
    First thing I did was thank her very much for telling Jax, the first hour was torture. He finally started loosening up after lunch. 
    I'll meet you at F lame's when we are done . I text him.
    I can't pick you up ?
    I don't know when I will be done, I want to go home and shower. I will meet you there! I think there is going to be an argument coming as to how I am getting to Flame's. To my surprise, he just texts back.
    I can picture him brooding and running his hands through his hair in frustration. For giving up so easily, I text back a smiley face and...
    Can't wait to see you, xoxox, your Petal. I'm still not sure how I earned this nickname, but he seems to like it so I go with it.
    You are so naughty, just when I think I don't know if I can handle this kind of relationship you say somet hing like that making me melt. BTW, can't fucking wait to kiss those lips. He texts back, I think I'm about to liquefy right there in the chair when Jax starts staring. 
    "Lover boy?" he sneers. This time I roll my eyes at him as I join back in the group discussion. 
    It's just after 8:30 when we call it a night. I pack up my books to hurry out to catch the next bus. 
    "Hey, did you need a ride?" Jax is rushing to catch up with me.
    "I'll take the bus ," I scoff, standing by the bus stop. 
    "Oh come on, don't be mad. I'm just worried about you, that's all." Jax gives me his best 'I'm sorry' face.
    "You don't need to be wor ried. I'm fine."
    "So are you going to ask him about his wife?" It's a

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