You Again
official investigation.  What other plan is necessary?” 
    He said nothing and didn’t look at her.  Not good signs.  She must have got it wrong.  “Luke?  This is an official investigation, isn’t it?”  When he didn’t answer her, she said, “Oh-kay.  You’ve gone rogue.”
    His gaze slid to hers, brows raised.  “Rogue?”
    “Your boss didn’t authorize this did he?”  When he said nothing, she swore.  “What the hell are you doing?  You’ll get fired!  The Haywood-Smiths will see to it.  Damn it, are you an idiot ?”
    “A simple thanks would suffice.”
    “No.  No way.  Do not blame your stupid choice on me.  I—."
    “It wasn’t stupid.  And I’m not blaming you.”  He touched her cheek with the back of his hand.  “I don’t blame you for anything, Lil.  Okay?”
    She offered him a small smile even though her heart was racing and her breathing erratic.  Damn it, why did he have to go all tender on her?  “Okay.  But why are you doing this?”
    He turned to her fully and put both hands on her cheeks, cradling her face.  “Because I’ll do anything to keep you out of jail, no matter what the price.  Even if you did do the crime.”  The corner of his mouth tugged up in a smile and he turned back to keep an eye on the Haywood-Smiths.  “Now stop worrying about my job and try to think of a way out of this.”
    She didn’t know what part of that she should focus on first.  Then her attention snapped into place and she could think straight again.  “You don’t even have a plan?  Are you crazy?”
    She wanted to knock some sense into him since he’d apparently lost it somewhere, but then she calmed down and thought through their predicament.  They were alone.  Going to the cops, or the insurance company (who would ensure the cops got involved), would spell the end of Luke’s career.  She didn’t want that to happen.  His career might have been the reason for their break-up but it was important to him and she didn’t want him to lose it because of her.
    She sighed.  It was hopeless.  Thank God the Hartford’s-Smiths didn’t know he was a cop.  If they did, they would make sure he was fired first thing in the morning. 
    Whoa.  They didn’t know . 
    She smiled at Luke.  “I’ve got a plan.”
    “Want to tell me about it?”
    “Follow my lead,” she said, spotting Prue’s purse on the bed and picking it up.
    “Not a good answer.”
    She found the fake ruby choker and held it up for him to see.  “No, but it’s what you deserve after leaving me in the dark.”  He didn’t look like he agreed with her logic but too bad.  The sooner this was over the better.  “Just don’t act like a cop.”
    Back in the dressing room she spoke to the Haywood-Smiths.  “Tomorrow morning, you are going to drop all charges against me for the break-in.”
    “Don’t be absurd.”  Prue tossed her head.  “ You broke into our house.  We will not drop the charges.”
    “Since I didn’t steal anything, I think that’s fair,” Lily went on as if Prue hadn’t spoken.  “And since you two are lying, thieving scum then I think it’s doubly fair.”
    “We are not thieves,” Max said, getting to his feet and thrusting out all of his chins.  His nose had stopped bleeding but dried blood covered the lower half of his face so he looked like a sated vampire.
    “You stole from your insurance company at least once,” Luke said, pulling himself up to his full height beside her.  “That’s theft.”
    Max puffed out his chest, looked Luke up and down, then must have decided he was completely out-muscled and sat down. 
    “And I think your insurance company would love to know about it.”  Lily picked up the fake jewelry lying on the floor and stuffed it back into the pouch.  “We’ll take this with us and use it against you.  I’m sure your insurance company would love to have these valued by a reputable dealer.”
    “We don’t

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