
Free Galin by Kathi S. Barton

Book: Galin by Kathi S. Barton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kathi S. Barton
Tags: paranormal romance
this man.
    “You will come here daily to let me mark you,
Markum. And if I tire of you, there will be others that you will fuck for me.” The
guard that held him reached down and rubbed his cock to show Markum he would be
the one he’d fuck. “I think…yes, I have decided to let one of them have you
while I watch today. That way when you think you are better than me, you’ll
remember what will happen to you when you do.”
    His pants were ripped from him as the second guard
held him bent over. As soon as his ass was filled, Markum cried out and had his
mouth filled with the second guards cock. He was being fucked at both ends as
his lordship watched. Pain was over him, his body seemed to be a festering pool
of it. Yet they never stopped, only replacing one cock in his body for someone
else’s when that guard was spent.
    A woman came from the shadows and moved in
front of his lordship, took his cock into her mouth, and sucked him while
Markum was being fucked. As soon as the man at his ass came, he grabbed
Markum’s cock from beneath and fisted him until he was hard as stone. The third
or fourth guard—he’d long since lost count—came down his throat a few seconds
later, not burning him but filling his belly with a vile nasty virus. As he
laid there, filled with the poisonous cum, the man who had sentenced him pulled
his cock free of the woman’s mouth and spilled his seed on his chest and legs. Markum
cried out with pain. He knew that before this punishment was over, he was going
to be as ugly as the men who had held him down.
    As he staggered his way back to his cell, he
tried to think about what he’d do to each of the men who had violated him. It
wasn’t as if Markum had never had a man before, but he liked to choose his own
partners and not to have them make him ill after. He vomited his belly clean of
the poison and then entered his own shower to clean the rest off him. If that
were even possible.
    His body was an open sore, and it would be
forever if he didn’t find a way to redeem himself. The thought of having this
done to him daily for all eternity made Markum want to go and find them all and
kill them. But he couldn’t and they knew it. His only hope was to find the
child and bring him down here so that all could see what he’d already
discovered. The child that would bring glory to them all had been born.
     It was nearly dawn when he finally fell into
a fitful sleep, the pain making it difficult for him to find even one
comfortable position. But he dreamed of his redemption. Of the time when they
would all bow before him. Markum just had to wait for the right time to make it
    Dusty eyed the man as he sat quietly at her
table. The rest of them were talking a mile a minute and shoving food at her
every time they moved by her. She looked at Kip, who had not said a word since
the two women had gotten there.
    “You should try to eat something.” She got up
and pulled the case of candy bars she’d gotten for him today out of the
cabinet. “I don’t like that this is all you eat, but right now it’s better than
    Kip took one of the candy bars and held it in
his hand. He looked like he was in shock, and Dusty found she didn’t blame him.
There was a shit ton of stuff being thrown at them both, and they still had
their own shit to deal with. She looked at Galin and felt her face heat again.
    She’d nearly let him take her on the counter.
And the other man was there to see them do it. Every time she thought of his
mouth on hers, she wanted to put her fingers over her lips to see if they felt
as hot as they had when he’d kissed her. She looked at him again, and when he
winked she felt her face heat more.
    You’re very pretty when you do that. I have never
seen a woman blush as much as you do. It makes me wonder what you would be doing
had we made love on the counter. Dusty looked at Kip and them back at the man
when he laughed. He cannot hear me. You can because I wish for you

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