Hate to Love You

Free Hate to Love You by Elise Alden

Book: Hate to Love You by Elise Alden Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elise Alden
why the hell had I thought sneaking off would solve anything? Bloody booze. That’s the problem with vodka-fuelled choices for you; those stupid decisions always come back to bite you in the arse.
    I considered taking a page out of Alex Novak’s book. Saying “thanks for the cock” and brazening it out. I discarded the idea immediately. I might have been able to brazen away that kiss earlier but sex was another matter entirely. I felt joined to James in a way that was new—and fucking scary to be honest. I turned onto my back, my hand on his muscular thigh as we lay there. Five, ten, fifteen minutes to hold him before I let go.
    I had to tell him who I was.
    That is, as soon as the hand on my nipple and the breath on my neck stopped sending the opposite message to my brain. Then I’d turn over, face him in the dark and...kiss him like my body was urging me to. I didn’t want to tell James anything anymore. His lips were still a drug I couldn’t relinquish, his cock the euphoria I craved.
    I was sinking into sensation, losing myself all over again but I broke away with an effort, sitting up and clearing my throat nervously. In spite of my sudden bravery I baulked, gearing myself up for The Big Reveal.
    He stroked my back. “What is it?”
    “James,” I said hoarsely. “I need to—”
    Virility, thy name is James. I guess after such a long time in the desert he needed his water. He pulled me down onto his chest and my legs automatically straddled his hips.
    “Tell me what you need,” he said, lifting me up just enough to slip a fraction inside me.
    Well, I needed all of him inside me and the sooner the better. A strangled sound came out of my throat, a mixture of frustration, hopelessness and pleasure.
    “Are you sore?” he asked, sounding concerned.
    I had to pause and think about it. My pussy was throbbing and I probably would feel sore after the night was over, but my overwhelming need was to feel every inch of him.
    I tugged on his ear lobe with my teeth. “It’ll hurt more if I can’t fuck you.”
    “Oh, God.”
    His hips surged upward and I forgot about my soreness. Much to his delight my awkwardness had faded. I glided on top of him, increasing my pace according to how his breath quickened, slowing down to torture him until he grabbed my hips to grind me into him faster. Making him sigh, making him moan, making him cry out became my goal as I tried to control my own desire.
    We were still at it when my parents returned. The front door shut with a bang and we heard the jangle of keys before heavy steps announced their approach. We froze to listen. I’d been so close to another orgasm I wanted to strangle them. They paused in front of our door and mumbled. All they had to do was twist the knob and I’d be discovered. The thought terrified me.
    Much to my surprise, it also excited me.
    James swore softly and carefully lifted me off him. Disappointment washed over me but I couldn’t blame him; I had other things to think about. My brain scrambled into overdrive, looking for a way to hide myself in case the door opened. If I lay on my side and arranged my hair over my face maybe they’d think I was Caroline. I started to turn over but James had other ideas. He poured his sleek, powerful body over mine and stretched my hands above my head, lacing them together with his hand.
    “Don’t move,” he ordered.
    He pushed into me with excruciating slowness, an inch-by-inch progression that became a kind of torture in itself. I trembled with the effort to keep my sighs and moans contained as he whispered into my ear, goading me to let go. He thrust and I clenched; he withdrew and I whimpered, desperate to feel him. I was powerless to do anything but lace my legs around his to pull him closer. James stayed in control, his deliberate thrusts driving me insane.
    We were so turned on by the prospect of discovery we couldn’t stop. The tension was a piercing kind of pleasure, adding an extra layer of excitement

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