Dark Side Of The Moon (BBW Paranormal Were-Bear Shifter Sci-Fi Romance)

Free Dark Side Of The Moon (BBW Paranormal Were-Bear Shifter Sci-Fi Romance) by Catherine Vale

Book: Dark Side Of The Moon (BBW Paranormal Were-Bear Shifter Sci-Fi Romance) by Catherine Vale Read Free Book Online
Authors: Catherine Vale
face in the shadows. But she could read every intention
in his eyes, every desire, every want. With her next breath, she realized those
were the same wants and desires she had. It startled her, the realization that
she was intently drawn to such a dangerous and unpredictable man…a man who was
responsible for her being taken from her home planet, and who was probably
responsible for many others, just like her.
he made her feel somehow different… special .  It pissed her off to
no end, annoyed the hell out of her, that she could be so easily taken by a man
that she knew she couldn’t trust.  The chemistry between them, the burning
desire to feel his arms wrapped around her, and the way he heated her skin,
left her unable to ignore the power he had over her. Like it or not, she wanted
lifted his other hand, touching her cheek, tracing the edge of her hair where
it ran behind her ear, down to the nape of her neck. His touch was slow. Until
he grabbed her braid. He wound it around his hand and pulled, hard, her head
snapping back. Her lips parted with a gasp, and before she could draw another
breath, his mouth was down on hers, his tongue lashing against hers. It wasn’t
right, but it didn’t feel quite that wrong either.
reached up, winding her fingers through his hair, pulling hard in return. She
could give it as good as she could take it and she needed him to know this. She
felt his smile against her mouth. With a gasp, she let her lips part further,
let him pull her against him, let him plunder her mouth with his tongue.
Between them, she felt the hardness of his erection. For a minute it bothered
her that she couldn’t remember when he’d gotten hard. It seemed an important
detail, somehow, but then desire and lust, and just plain animal sexuality rose
insider her, and she forgot that she cared about the when.
melting against him wasn’t what she wanted. This wasn’t soft and gentle
exploration, and it certainly wasn’t making love. She clenched the fingers of
one hand into a fist, pounding against his chest, pushing him away, tearing
away from his mouth. They were both breathing hard, their eyes locked onto one
another. His other hand came up, fingering the bottom of her tank top. Then
those fingers slipped underneath the cotton, sliding over her stomach, up
between her breasts, teasing against the fullness of one. His eyes had followed
the path of his hand, but now they rose to hers. The heat in them matched the
fire that had started in her belly, the fire that sunk lower, now burning
between her hips.
it…whatever it is, damn it. Do it.” Anticipation boiled inside her, made her
breath go short and shallow. Made her want him even more than she ever thought
held her gaze for another heartbeat, then let go of her hair, grabbed the
bottom of her tank, pulling it up. She lifted her arms, ready for him to pull
it over her head, but instead, he pulled the material, tearing it up the front.
Before it really registered what he’d done, he had her breasts in his hands,
fingers digging into her flesh. She tipped her head back, some sound she’d
never made before coming from her lips.
lowered his head and she expected a touch, a kiss, something …but he
roughly sucked one full breast into his mouth, teeth grazing over her hard
nipple. She dug her fingers into his hair, hips rocking forward as a rush of
arousal flooded through her. He pulled greedily, hungrily, and she pulled him
closer, holding him against her.
sensations coursing through here were primal, harsh, thuds of arousal and
desire physically rocking her body. Her knees went weak, her hips thrusting
forward, aching for contact with something, anything. With Taso. She pulled his
hair again and again, until he finally lifted his head.
was no need to say anything. She hooked her thumbs in the waistband of her
shorts and pushed them down her legs, shaking them away into the sand. She
reached for

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