You Knew Me When

Free You Knew Me When by Emily Liebert

Book: You Knew Me When by Emily Liebert Read Free Book Online
Authors: Emily Liebert
Tags: Contemporary, Adult
sort of been there, like this constant fixture—both she and her home were always open for swimming, tea, a game of gin rummy, or whatever. But, beyond that, Luella was an unfalteringly reliable confidante to Katherine, offering advice when needed and lending a sympathetic ear when there was nothing to be said. She had an uncanny knack for knowing exactly when to keep her mouth shut and when not to. Still, it was hard for Katherine to feel like she ever really knew Luella the woman, despite how close they’d been. She was a widow; that everyone was well aware of. She had no kids of her own, though she never spoke of why. She had lavish parties with throngs of guests, but very few close friends, if any. She was gorgeous, kind, and relentlessly generous, but also painstakingly private. That Katherine could relate to, then and now.
    Through the years, Jane Sachs had made only a few passing comments about her old friend, all of which Katherine had taken note of. Apparently, Luella’s husband had been about a decade older than she and very handsome; the kind of man that other women ogled on the sidewalks of New York City, where—typically—people didn’t take time to look more than two feet in front of them. Jane had once remarked that John had been madly in love with Luella—that they’d had a very special and unique connection that was evident to anyone in their general vicinity. She’d said John’s eyes followed Luella everywhere she went, like it was the first and last time he would ever see her, even if she was just excusing herself to the ladies’ room. Jane had also confided, on the heels of Katherine’s prodding, that Luella and John had been desperate to have children—a big family, actually—but they’d tried and tried to no avail. There’d been more than one miscarriage, Jane recalled, and ultimately they’d decided to leave it in God’s hands rather than let it rule their lives. The one thing Jane had never touched on was how and when John had died. And what that had been like for Luella. Of course, Katherine had never asked, given her acute sensitivity when it came to people dying prematurely.
    â€œJoe, your cholesterol,” Hazel admonished in her gentle way.
    â€œOne quiche won’t kill me.” He shooed at her tenderly. “You were very important to Luella, and she wanted you to know that.”
    â€œSo, you knew about this?” Her father looked at Hazel, who nodded.
    â€œWe did. Luella told us of her plans before she passed. But she asked us not to say anything. She didn’t want you to fuss.”
    â€œDo you know what she’s left me?” Katherine eyed the mini hot dogs. She wanted to eat one for Hazel’s sake alone, but she just couldn’t bring herself to. There were so many more tempting things to waste one’s calories on. Like chocolate soufflé.
    â€œNot really.” Her father looked at Hazel again.
? Or not at all?” Katherine winced at her inherently demanding tone. It was the tone she used for employees, not for her father.
    â€œWe’ve already said too much. You’ll find out everything tomorrow.”
    â€œWould you like to stay for dinner, darling?” Hazel let him off the hook.
    â€œI wish I could.” She could. “But I have so much work to catch up on. I’ll probably eat room service in front of my laptop.” Hazel looked horrified. She’d definitely never ordered room service. Or felt tethered to a laptop.
    â€œYou’re staying for Thanksgiving, though?” Her dad walked her to the door, helping her into her coat. They’d been so thrilled when she’d told them.
    â€œYes, Dad. I promise.” She kissed his cheek and he pulled her close to him.
    â€œI love you, Kitty Kat.”
    â€œLove you too, Dad.”
    â€¢Â Â Â â€¢Â Â Â â€¢
    Katherine got back into her rental car, realizing she

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