Cage Match
the sweat streaming down his face and stared into Jabez‟s
    cool blue eyes.
    “Not bad. You need to work on accuracy, but that‟ll just take time.”
    Andreas‟s overheated body sent hot signals of lust down to his cock. He wanted to
    grab Jabez and pull him up against him hard, wanted to steal his breath in a deep,
    penetrating kiss, then pin him on the mat and fuck him senseless.
    Jabez‟s padded arms were down at his sides, his defenses lowered. His gaze
    locked with Andreas‟s, and he leaned forward slightly.
    For a second, Andreas thought it was going to happen. His lips tingled as if it
    already had, as if the other man‟s mouth had pressed furiously against his. Then Jabez
    straightened and he looked away.
    “Get a drink of water, and we‟ll go again.”
    Andreas drank deeply and doused his head in water before returning to the ring
    for another bout. This time Jabez did more than absorb his blows, he returned light taps
    to his head and chest that rocked Andreas nearly off his feet. He knew his teacher was
    holding back, but it felt like he‟d been smashed with a hammer. If Jabez ever truly hit
    him, he‟d be knocked unconscious with one blow.
    The sparring continued in brief bouts with breaks in between. By the time
    Andreas could take no more and held his hands up, begging for a reprieve, his head
    was ringing.
    “Time! Enough for today.” He bent over, hands resting on his knees as he
    breathed through the ache in his stomach from being punched one too many times.
    “I say when you‟ve had enough,” Jabez growled, and even through the pain,
    Andreas experienced a stab of lust at the commanding note in his deep voice.
    He looked up through the wet fringe of bangs drooping over his eyes at the big
    man standing over him. Was he really going to play it like that? The answer came in the
    form of a feint and a jab that stung Andreas‟s cheek.
    Andreas rose and automatically raised his fists to protect himself. A hail of blows
    rained down on him, and all he could do was fend them off. There wasn‟t a second for
    him to regain his composure or counterattack as Jabez battered his defenses and drove
    him against the ropes.

    Bonnie Dee
    When the assault ended, Andreas was pinned between his opponent‟s body and
    one of the posts. He gasped for air and pressed his hands against the other man‟s chest,
    feeling the rise and fall of his breathing even through the cloth breastplate.
    Jabez‟s face filled his vision, his eyes darkened from the dilation of his pupils, the
    planes of his face shining with sweat, and his lips parted. He leaned forward and
    pressed them against Andreas‟s mouth, seized his lips in a punishing kiss that sent a
    powerful jolt through his body. Andreas opened his mouth wide, accepting the
    plunging tongue that twisted around his. Their teeth clicked together with the force of
    the kiss, and Andreas felt like he would explode into flames from the rising heat inside
    Just as abruptly as he‟d initiated the kiss, Jabez pulled back. He gazed into
    Andreas‟s eyes for a moment, his own half-lidded with lust. “ Now we‟re finished.”
    He walked away, and Andreas remained pressed against the post, his mouth open
    and ready for more kisses. He wanted to beg Jabez to come back and finish what he‟d
    started, but the words stuck in his throat. Whatever happened between them had to be
    on Jabez‟s terms and by his choice. It was the only way he wouldn‟t feel used by the
    man who essentially owned him.
    He watched Jabez remove his protective padding and walk from the room before
    Andreas stripped off the wrapping around his hands and examined his reddened
    knuckles. He was a fighter now. It made him feel manly and proud of himself for
    stepping outside of his comfort zone. He might not be ready for a cage match, but he
    could hold his own if anyone ever attacked him on the street.
    And he was proud that he hadn‟t buckled under Jabez‟s grueling exercise
    schedule. Of

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