
Free Reckless by Jennifer Loren

Book: Reckless by Jennifer Loren Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jennifer Loren
“Oh shit.” I said under my breath.
    “Sean, can I speak to you for a minute?” My mother asked as she walks into the other room, waiting for me.
    “I guess,” I mumbled as I follow after her.
    “Well?” She said with her arms crossed and her foot tapping in front of me. I have not seen this stance in a long while.
    I rub my face. “She and Joel are only staying with us until shooting is over and then they are going right back to New York. She wanted to get out of the house for a little while today, so she begged to come with me and I didn’t think it would be that big of a deal… but I am really regretting that decision.” I rambled.
    “I hope you are regretting it. You keep your distance from that … “ She tensed, shaking her head before looking at me again. “Sean, be careful.” I nod, defeated. Once she seems somewhat satisfied, I sprint away and quickly gather my daughter before ushering Rebecca out the door. I could swear I am forgetting something.
    “Daddy where the boys?”Lillah shrugs at me as if I am an idiot.
    I kiss Lillah on the head, “Thanks sweetie.” I run back into grab the boys and load them into the back of the SUV before speeding off towards home, relief washing over me instantly.
    “Oh Sean, could you stop at that store real quick?” Rebecca asked, pointing to the convenient mart on the corner.
    “Because I need to get a few things.” Irritated I pull over and motion for her to go. “Thank you,” she said happily.
    “No problem,” I sighed.
    I look at my watch, then toward the doors of the store willing Rebecca to hurry the hell up. When I hear a rumbling vibration, I take out my phone but quickly realize it isn’t mine. Surely Ava didn’t leave hers in the car. I reach down under the passenger seat and pull out a phone, but it isn’t Ava’s. I start to put it back when I take notice of the incoming text and recognize the name immediately. A slimy reporter that loves to capitalize on celebrity mishaps and tragedies or anything he can get his hands on to exploit them. I hesitate for a second before pushing the button to read the text.
    “I would be very interested in a video of Sean Grant and his wife. The clearer the more money I would be willing to pay. Call me as soon as you can and we can meet up to review the video and discuss.”
    My body tenses and I start to shake. “Rebecca…” I seethe, while searching her phone for videos. When I come to one labeled Sean and Ava, I shake my head, hesitating to view it. I glance back at Lillah playing quietly in her car seat and push play. As soon as I see Ava naked and riding me, I am ready to choke the hell out of somebody. I knew I saw somebody last night. That bitch, that fucking bitch! And she was going to fucking sell it! I clear her entire phone before taking out the memory card and sticking it in Rebecca’s diet soda and then driving over her phone several times. I recover the mangled mess and lay it in the passenger seat beside me, breathing deeply as I glance at my daughter’s innocent face in the rearview mirror. Rebecca skips out of the store while I hold tight to the steering wheel, denying myself the pleasure of running over her with the car. She opens the door, spotting her mangled phone right away.“You got a text while you were gone. I guess you are going to get a great offer on your video,” I fist the steering wheel as she eases into the seat next to me, leaning against her door as much she can. She starts to open her mouth. “We’ll talk about it after I get Lillah home.” I said through my teeth.
    “But...” Rebecca tries to say.
    “I said, not now.” She turns away from me, sitting in silence the whole way home. I park the car and let the boys out before getting Lillah out of her seat and taking her inside. Rebecca foolishly follows. I ask our housekeeper to watch Lillah for a few minutes and I kiss my daughter, reminding myself that jail will be a bad thing for her to visit me

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