No Happily Ever After (The Fairytale Diaries #1)

Free No Happily Ever After (The Fairytale Diaries #1) by Amanda Gatton

Book: No Happily Ever After (The Fairytale Diaries #1) by Amanda Gatton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amanda Gatton
us you crazy animals," demanded Nicholas Monarch.
    He practically ran down the stairs and straight to the front door.  "We're getting out of here," he declared.
    "It's not time for our ride to come yet," Ella blubbered.
    He delicately placed her back on her feet.  "We'll walk," he said firmly.  He placed his hands on her shoulders and leaned in to peer into her face.  "Ella, are you OK?" he asked urgently.
    All she could do was sob.  She couldn't seem to get hold of herself.  "I…  I don't have my shoes," she muttered, as though such a frivolous thing mattered.
    He nodded at the door where their boots were parked.  "Put on your snow boots."  He reached for their coats and hurriedly began to help her on with hers.  "Come on, we gotta get out of this nut house."
    Soon, the couple trudged through the six inches of snow, up the road, in the gathering gloom.  More snow swirled down wet and heavy.  They lived about five miles outside of Faraway on a remote country road.  Ella felt concerned that they'd both be quite cold before their expected ride came along; perhaps to a dangerous extent.  Worse was the fear that Thelma Dark might happen along first.  Plus, she wondered why no ambulance or other emergency vehicle had gone by.  Obviously, Lexi was in desperate need of medical care.  Why hadn't Brittany called anyone?
    Ella still cried mercilessly.  "We need to go back!  Or find a phone.  She needs help!"
    Nicholas tightened his arm around her shoulders.  "It's not our problem, Ella.  Just keep walking."
    Both their heads snapped toward the appearance of approaching headlights on the horizon.  Ella's tears finally slowed, but her heart raced.  She prayed that it was help.
    Nicholas stepped into the road and waved his arms.  The car cruised excruciatingly slowly through the slow and finally slid to a stop.
    "Oh my God am I happy to see you," Ella said, flooded with relief as the tinted driver's side window slid down.  The inhabitants of the car were none other than Faraway High's guidance counselor, Mrs. Bar, along with her husband and son Benjamin.
    Mrs. Bar smiled warmly.  "Everything OK, kids?" she asked sweetly.
    "We've had a rough night," Nicholas said.  "We could use some help."
    Mrs. Bar glanced into the back seat where Benjamin sat staring wide eyed at his classmates with an ever so slight smile across his lips.  "Benjamin," she said.  "Scoot over.  Make room."
    Mr. Bar stepped out and opened the door for Ella and Nicholas.
    "I'm so sorry about all of this, Ella," Mrs. Bar said sympathetically squeezing Ella's hand.  "I wish you would've told me sooner."  Her pretty face drew into a sad frown.  "You're both safe now, and Mr. Bar is in his office now, notifying the authorities."
    Ella smiled into Mrs. Bar's pretty face.  "Thank you so much, Mrs. Bar.  You're just like a fairy god mother."  The relief she felt was overwhelming.  The rescue she'd so desperately hoped for had finally come.  And even amongst the madness of the situation, it was beyond exciting to be seated inside the extraordinary home of the Bar family.
    Benjamin Bar entered the room carrying a tray with two steaming mugs.  He placed it on the coffee table she was seated behind, along with Nicholas and Mrs. Bar.
    "Here," he said in his odd monotone.  "Drink it.  It's hot cocoa; it'll help warm you."
    Ella and Nicholas eagerly accepted the hot drink, still feeling thoroughly chilled.
    And within seconds, the mugs slipped from their hands, clattering to the floor, and they were both fast asleep.
    Ella dragged her eyes open and for a moment all that registered was a terrible headache.
    Then she felt a damp chill and realized her face rested on a cold dirty floor.  Directly in front of her, were rusty iron bars.  And beyond the bars, Cailyn Pure hunkered on the floor, a single finger pressed to her cracked and bleeding lips.
    The look of sheer terror written on Cailyn's snow white face snapped Ella completely

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