worrying about
gaining too much weight - ha, I was already prego - I finally
agreed to go to the doctor's for an ultrasound.
    They got me an appointment at a local
hospital this weekend.
    It was now Monday morning. I had went
back home, much to Rane's disappointment. Shane was happy to see me
and he slept with me last night as his mom was being weird again
and had stayed up in her room.
    I get up, stretching out my sore and
tired muscles. Shane is already out of the bed. I jump in the
shower and look down at the little bump there. It was just a slight
bump but if others were to see my belly, they would know that I was
expecting. It filled me with joy to see it.
    I get dressed in black skinny jeans and
a hoodie. I didn't want everyone to know that I was pregnant yet.
It was still a shock to myself. My hair is actually straightened
and I have a bit of make up on
    The beeping of a car has me looking up
from the cereal in the bowl before me. I walk out the door and see
Rane's car. He motions me over to the white Chevrolet Camaro. I
walk over to him, confused as to why he is here.
    "Why are you at my house?" I ask him.
His face goes into a pout.
    "Do you want me to leave?" I shake my
head no, of course I didn't. He smiles. "Well then hop in! I'm
going to take you out to breakfast." My eyebrows scrunch together
in confusion.
    "Won't we be late for school?" he gives
me a dull look that says 'and I care... why?'. I nod and hop
    When we get to a little café that was
just down the road, he turns to me. His left hand is out to me and
his right hand goes to his heart.
    "Will you, Elaina Harper, be my, Rane
Moore's, girlfriend?" I smile and shake my head. Oh he is too much
sometimes. I look back at him and nod.
    "Of course." My heart is over joyed. I
was Rane Moore's girlfriend! Well I was also his mate... He smiles
too, obviously happy.
    "Well, why don't we get our first date
started then?" he hops out of the car and strolls over to my side.
He opens my door - such a gentleman. He also helps me out - wow,
who knew he was such a good guy?
    "Lets go, Elaina. We have to do the
whole dating thing before you get too big to walk properly." and he
ruined it. I playfully slap his shoulder.
    "You're to blame." he only
    We make our way up the pavement, it was
quite slippery from the ice and snow. Me being me, I slip and fall.
At first, Rane is all worried but when he sees that I am fine, he
busts out laughing.
    "Stop laughing and help me up,
asshole!" I yell at him and rub my butt - where I fell on it. "I
think I broke my butt..." I whine which makes him laugh louder. He
sticks out a hand and tries to pull me up. The ice is too slippery
and this time, we both fall. We both land with a groan.
    Rane is also rubbing his bottom. "I
definitely broke my butt." I cry out. I laugh at Rane.
    Rane laughs and then groans again. We
hang on to each other to get up, finally succeeding. An elder
couple is just walking into the café and they smile at us. I think
I hear "young love" muttered by them but I dismiss it. He was
laughing at me after I fell!
    Getting to the door, he pushes it open
with a "ladies first." I feel his gaze on my butt and I frown. I'm
quite sure that 'ladies first' was created by men so they could see
our ass.
    The café is not full, only a couple old
men with coffee and the elderly couple from earlier. We go and get
a seat in a booth near the back, sitting across from each other. An
older lady comes to take our order. Was this diner for old people
or something?
    We order our food and drinks. While we
wait, Rane decides to just stare at me. I raise my brow
questioningly and he shrugs. "I like looking at you." he simply
states and continues looking. I decide to stare at him
    Our food finally arrives and we talk
while we eat. I learned a lot. First date things, you know? What
his likes and dislikes were. Like how he likes to watch movies but
hates to read books were I love both. He also tells me about the
time he first broke

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