One Thousand Kisses

Free One Thousand Kisses by Jody Wallace

Book: One Thousand Kisses by Jody Wallace Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jody Wallace
Tags: David_James
undressed and lain on the bed with her legs spread.
    If she had, he may have broken his vow to tell her about the Seers before they became intimate.
    “In my professional opinion, Princess Anisette wouldn’t easily be driven to violence,” Gangee said. “This isn’t a case where probation is called for. You say she had memory loss?”
    “Confusion, anxiety, memory loss and atypical behavior,” Embor repeated. Why was everyone having so much trouble understanding plain speech? “Mark my words. The Torvals used a memory wipe on her. It’s imperative we find out how and why.”
    Artur returned the alert globe to his pocket. He was the oldest member of their cabinet at four hundred, wily as a leprechaun. “The girl has no good reason to attack you. This may be worth looking into.”
    “Of course it’s worth it,” Embor said. “All in favor?”
    The only one who voted against the motion was Skythia.
    “Sometimes we all want to hurt him.” She jabbed a thumb at Embor, who raised an eyebrow. “She’s his better half, right? If he pissed her off and she gave him what for, you can’t jump to the conclusion she’s in shock from a memory wipe.”
    “Anisette wasn’t…pissed off,” Embor said. “She was agitated and then contrite.” Once her panic ebbed, she hadn’t even been upset about her gown. Her mild manners and predictability would make life with her undemanding and pleasant.
    The change from life with Skythia would be welcome.
    “I’ll increase security on the Torvals.” Artur removed a recording globe from another pocket and muttered into it.
    Skythia held up a finger. “Don’t get caught. They can’t know. Otherwise you’ll have to guard all the candidates and say it’s for assessments.”
    “I agree,” Embor said. Increased security would make his secret outings more risky. The simulacrum he used to fool his staff when he vacated the Realm only worked if they didn’t try too hard to find him.
    “I’ll examine the princess for signs of spirit magic,” Gangee said, “and any other residue.”
    “I want her taught defensive magic.” Embor didn’t think she’d need it after they banished the Torvals, but he wanted her safe. “Perhaps a sleep spell?”
    “I’ll instruct her myself,” Gangee said.
    “I informed her we’d visit you in the morning. I’ll bring her at second bell.”
    “Informed her, did you?” Skythia gave an exasperated snort. “Nah, there’s no way you pissed her off. You’re super smooth, my brother. She’s going to be one happy little wifey. Gosh, I wish I had a big, strong bondmate to tell me when I needed a healer appointment.” She whapped Embor on the back. Her hand lingered with brief affection. It was her way.
    “That isn’t a problem. I’ll let you know when you need appointments,” he told her with a straight face. “I’m strong enough for two women.”
    “I’ll take your advice as well as you take mine. We done here?” she asked. “I’ve still got to research all the Akabar clan prime candidates. It’s crazy how many twin sets have been born there in the past three hundred years.”
    “Actually, we aren’t done.” Embor straightened his shoulders. This group of individuals knew more about his troubles than anyone in the Realm. “I want to address the rumors of my instability. The assessments are nigh, and we have to be prepared.”
    “Rumors won’t affect the assessments,” Gangee said. “If you aren’t having nightmares, it won’t tarnish the exams.”
    “Even with a clean assessment, rumors can affect public opinion leading up to the election,” Embor said. With the Torvals’ popularity, a convincing black mark against Embor or Skythia could be disastrous.
    “I’d know if you were unstable.” Skythia clapped his back again. “That first month after the kidnapping, your bogeymen kept me from getting any beauty sleep. You haven’t woken me with one in years.”
    “Your beauty sleep, without a doubt, was my first

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