The Sorcerer's Vengeance: Book 4 of the Sorcerer's Path
of history. So much can be learned from our forefathers. In fact, it can almost be said that one well versed enough in history can foretell the future. Do you recall anyone throughout history by the name of King Bertrand or Emperor Bertrand?” Azerick quizzed the angry general.
    “No, and why in world would I care?”
    Azerick smiled down at the trapped general. “Lord Bertrand managed to steal Dundalor’s armor from King Archibald through a rather audacious plot to overthrow his rule and replace the Ollander bloodline with his own,” Azerick continued. “Now if he were truly invincible, as the armor purports the wearer to be, why was he never king?” Azerick asked and waited for General Baneford’s reply.
    If Azerick could have seen through the glossy black helm, he would have seen the general’s face pale as he quietly replied. “He failed. He had the armor but he still failed.”
    “That’s right, General, he failed. Do you know how he failed?”
    Azerick saw the general shake his head in the negative.
    “Lord Bertrand and his men were lined up on the south bank of the Crook River at Ballinger’s Bridge. King Archibald arrayed his own troops on the north bank of the river before Bertrand could get his men across uncontested. Now Archibald knew he could not defeat Bertrand and his soldiers and Bertrand knew that he could not get his men across the contested bridge without suffering horrendous losses, if at all. His intent was to march his forces to a wide natural ford several leagues downstream, but that would take days of marching and Archibald’s troops could reach it just as fast as he could and he would still be forced to fight at a disadvantage though not nearly as great as crossing the bridge. Are you still following me, General?” Azerick asked his captive audience. “The most important part is coming up.”
    “Yeah, I’m listening to your drivel!” Baneford yelled up at the arrogant young spell caster.
    General Baneford had never shown fear in the face of an enemy and he would certainly not do so in front of this whelp, but something in the young wizard’s voice and demeanor greatly unnerved him. Coupled with the fact that he was stuck in a hole and completely unable to anything about it was beyond maddening.
    “Archibald knew he could punish Bertrand’s troops at the ford but he could not defeat them. So against all common sense, King Archibald strode out onto the center of the bridge and challenged Bertrand to single combat with undisputed rule of the realm as the prize. Lord Bertrand laughed all the way to the center of the bridge where he gladly accepted Archibald’s foolish challenge. Most people were quite aware of the power of the armor that Dundalor had crafted; its history still fresh in most people’s minds.
    “In an even more bizarre move, Archibald stripped off all of his armor except for his breastplate and gauntlets, loudly proclaiming that Bertrand was a pathetic usurper who relied on magical armor to see him too victory because he was too weak and too stupid to achieve it by his own strength and wits.
    Bertrand was furious and attacked Archibald before he was even set to begin the battle. But Archibald was a master swordsman and narrowly deflected the cowardly attack and quickly set himself to receive Bertrand in a test of arms. Lord Bertrand, thoroughly incensed, thought to use the greater strength his armor provided him to overwhelm the king’s skill. He also had no fear of being struck because he knew that Archibald’s blade could never harm him.
    “Now Bertrand’s tactic would have worked just as it had several times before in his many battles, but Archibald was canny and was just as aware of Bertrand’s advantages. The battle raged fiercely. It was several minutes into the fight, both men were near the rail of the bridge, their sword hilts locked together as Bertrand’s magical strength was slowly shoving Archibald to his knees when the king looked up into the eye

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