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our mother. But
but the wrong meaning. It is the same
when we became Christians, we gained
way with (such words as) “the Father”
a father and mother.
and “the Son” and “the Holy Spirit” and
7 Those who sow in winter reap in
“the life” and “the light” and “the resursummer. The winter is the world; the rection” and “the Church” and all the
summer is the other aeon. Let us sow in
other names. Folk do not know the right
the world so that we may reap in the
meaning; rather they know the wrong
summer. On account of this it is seemly
meaning [unless] they have come to
for us not to pray in the winter. That
know the right meaning . . . they are in
which comes out of the winter is the
the world . . . in the aeon they would
summer. But if someone reaps in the winnever be used as names in the world, nor ter, he really will not be reaping, but he
would they list them under worldly
will be tearing things out,
things. They have an end in the aeon.
8 since this will not produce . . . not
12 There is only one name which one
only will it [not] produce . . . but on the
does not speak out in the world, the name
Sabbath [his field] is unfruitful.
which the Father gave to the Son. It is
9 Christ came to ransom some, but othabove everything. It is the name of the ers he saved, others he redeemed. Those
Father. For the Son will not become the
who were strangers he ransomed and
Father, if he does not put on the name of
made them his, and he set them apart.
the Father. Those who have this name
truly know it, but they do not speak
virgin whom no power defiled . . . the
it. Those who do not have it do not
powers defiled them (or, themselves).
know it.
The Lord (would) not have said, “My
But the truth engendered names in the
[Father who is in] Heaven,” if he had not
world for us, because it is impossible to
had another Father. But he would have
know it (the truth) without names. The
simply said: [“My Father.”]
truth is a single thing and is many things.
18 The Lord said to the disciples . . .
It is this way for our sake, in order to
“Enter the Father’s house, but do not take
teach us this one thing in love through its
anything in the Father’s house, nor remany-ness.
move anything.”
13 The archons wanted to deceive the
19 “Jesus” is a secret name; “Christ”
human because they saw that he was kinis a revealed name. For this reason, “Jedred to the truly good ones. They took sus” does not exist in any (other) lanthe name of the good ones and gave it to guage, but his name is always “Jesus,” as
those that are not good, so that by names
they say. “Christ” is also his name; in
they could deceive him and bind them to
Syriac, it is “Messiah,” but, in Greek, it
the ones that are not good. If they do
is “Christ.” Actually, everyone has it acthem a favor, they are taken away from cording to his own language. “The Nazthose who are not good and given their arene” is the one who reveals secret
place among those that are good. They
knew these things. For they (the archons)
20 The Christ has everything in himwished to take the free person and enself: man, angel, mystery, and the Father.
slave him forever. . . .
21 They err who say, “The Lord first
15 Before the Christ came there was
died and then he arose.” First he arose,
no bread in the world. So also in paradise,
and then he died. If someone does not
the place where Adam was, there were
first achieve the resurrection, will he not
many trees as food for the animals, but
die? So truly as God lives, that one would
there was no wheat for human food. The
. . . [text uncertain].
human ate as the animals. But when the
22 No one will hide an extremely valu
Christ, the perfect man came, he brought
able thing in something of equal value.
bread from heaven so that people could
However, people often put things worth
eat in a human