
Free Mercy by Annabel Joseph

Book: Mercy by Annabel Joseph Read Free Book Online
Authors: Annabel Joseph
Tags: Fiction, Erótica
While I was wondering that, he hit me once more. I yowled and struggled to pull away from him, but again, I was held fast.
    “Okay,” he said. “Take some deep breaths. You survived some of the worst pain I’ll visit on you. You did survive, didn’t you?”
    He looked at me and I blinked back through tears.
    “It hurts, I know. I told you. This isn’t a game. Have you had enough, little girl? Do you want to leave?”
    “No, sir,” I whispered. “I don’t.” I wanted him to hold me, I wanted him to soothe me, but no, I didn’t want to leave. He pulled me close and looked down at my ass, smoothed his rough hand over the aching sting. “You have three beautiful welts now, Lucy. Look.”
    I did, and the welts looked angry and red. Beautiful? I wasn’t sure about that yet, although I felt a strong, unexpected ache between my thighs. Surely that hadn’t turned me on, had it? I watched with relief as he put away the cane and didn’t pull out any other toys. Instead, he cupped and fondled my breasts, holding them in his hands while my bottom burned and the throb between my legs ratcheted up. “These are lovely. Real. The perfect size.” He pinched my nipples again, even harder than before, and I moaned. Then I blushed.
    “It’s okay,” he said with a smile. “It’s good that you enjoy it. But you may not come, not unless I say.”
    I bit my lip as he continued to toy with my nipples.
    “You like this,” he said. It wasn’t a question. “You have sensitive nipples.”
    “Yes, sir.”
    “Have you ever had a clip on your clit? Between your legs?”
    “No, I haven’t.”
    “I bet you’ll like that too. Very much. Spread your legs.”
    I did, but not enough, because he nudged my feet impatiently.
    He pulled the panties down and off and pushed my feet apart until I was spread wide open, and then he put one hand on the front of my waist to hold me still, and with the other hand, thrust two fingers up inside me. I was mortifyingly wet, but he didn’t say anything about that. Instead, he asked, “how many partners have you had?”
    “Four.” And not one of them ever touched me like this.
    He sighed, wiggling his fingers around inside me. “I believe you. You’re small. Tight.” He pulled out his now sopping fingers and without any warning at all, thrust one of them deep into my ass. He slid it right in to the hilt, lubricated as it was with my pussy juices. I held my breath as he pressed it into me, hard. I fidgeted a little as he tried to put in another finger. It wouldn’t go. He didn’t force it, but he did tsk at me.
    “Have you ever had anal sex?”
    “No, sir.”
    “Never? Not once?”
    “No.” My voice sounded strained. He didn’t try any more to insert the other finger.
    “Well, you will,” he said. “Are you on the pill?”
    “No, I can’t take it. It makes my periods go on forever.”
    “We don’t want that, do we? Where are you in your cycle?” he asked, pulling his fingers out of me and walking away.
    Oh, Jesus Christ. “I had my period last week.”
    “Okay. You’ll let me know when you have your period and we’ll do other things. Are you clean? No sexually transmitted diseases?” While we discussed this, he washed his hands at a sink in the corner. The fully equipped playroom.
    “God, I hope not,” I think I said.
    “I’ll use a condom every time, although I’m clean. You’ve never had unprotected sex with your partners?”
    “No, I never have.”
    “Even your fiancé?”
    “No. I was saving that for my wedding night.”
    For some reason that made him chuckle. I suppose he thought it funny, that I’d almost married some vanilla fuckboy , as he said. I wondered what Joe would think of me now if he could see me. He’d probably think, God, I almost married a freak .
    “Well,” he said, “for now, anyway, we’ll use condoms. Maybe, eventually, we’ll get some blood work done. But if you can’t take the pill...” His voice trailed off, and I

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