Gabby Revealed (Finding Perfect)

Free Gabby Revealed (Finding Perfect) by Amy Gregory

Book: Gabby Revealed (Finding Perfect) by Amy Gregory Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amy Gregory
weight fell away so fast she had to suck in air. It was like she was coming up from under water after holding her breath for far too long. His face instantly relaxed, the smile lit his eyes back up, the corners crinkled. Unexpectedly, he gathered her close to his body once again with her cheek pressed against his chest. She felt his heart pounding hard and fast. Two sides of her warred with each other: the shame for hiding from her family and the success her writing achieved, almost drowned her in guilt.
    The female side of her was hungry. The longing in Shane’s eyes matched what she felt in her heart. She was crazy. They couldn’t be more opposite if they tried. She was worn jeans and cowboy boots, he was starch and tailored dress clothes.
    But she knew. The message was loud and clear in those love-filled eyes.
    “Gabby, hey. I’m trying to talk to you.”
    She and Shane both snapped their attention back toward her father. “Is this true?”
    Gabby followed her father’s finger pointing at the website and the last book she’d released. Gathering strength from the arm still wrapped around her, giving her an extra squeeze just when she needed it most. Inhaling, she slowly nodded. “I’m so sorry—”
    “But why?” Trying to read her father’s puzzled face was like navigating a minefield. What answer would hurt him the least? The truth was on the tip of her tongue when he pressed on. “How could you not tell us about this amazing part of your life? I couldn’t be more proud of you, dear girl.”
    “Oh , Gabby, honey. I wish your grandparents could see you now,” her mom choked out, her hand not quite covering her trembling lower lip.
    “You’re not upset?” Gabby breathed out, her eyes wide.
    “Upset?” Her father’s brow furrowed. “Why would we be upset?”
    H e was going to make her say it. A knife sliced through her heart. They had circled back around to the truth. Her chin fell to her chest. Family was everything to her, topping the bookstore and writing. She’d remained a recluse, her identity kept behind an iron gate in order to protect the man questioning her. Closing her eyes to avoid him completely, she whispered, “Because…I. I—”
    He nearly laughed, as if what she was trying to say was absurd. “You weren’t worried about my feelings, were you? Oh , Gabby.”
    “But I…I was. I thought you’d be—”
    “Jealous?” Gabby could only nod as Shane squeezed her waist again. “I know you’re young, not married, and don’t know the joys of parenthood, but, honey, I could never be jealous of my pride and joy. Mom and I hurt when you hurt, and we celebrate when you succeed. Oh, I’m still plugging away on a hundred stories, probably will until the day I die. But, Gabrielle, you’re a real author, a bestselling author. I can’t wait to shout it from the rooftops. My only regret is that your grandparents didn’t get to see you make it to the top. But I know they’re looking down on you with all smiles.”
    “So eighteen books? How ? You’re only twenty-seven?”
    Shane squeezed her close to his side and she was pliant, fitting perfectly aside his body. “I thought I’d died and gone to Heaven when she sent me her backlist. She’d been writing for years, and she’s such a natural talent, a quick pass through editing and we were off and running. The first was picked up immediately and then the houses were scrambling to get her, practically cat fighting over the newest star to hit the market since Nicholas Sparks or John Grisham. Her audience practically screams if a new one isn’t out within three or four months of the last because they were spoiled with the books she had ready to go. Speaking of which, she’s writing one now. It’s been sold already. And with Gabby’s work the process tends to move a bit quicker than with other authors. I’ll have this one on the shelves—”
    “Shane ,” Gabby whispered as the gold bells jingled. “Shh. Please.”
    Her eyes

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