Getting Close to the Omega
the mated pairs in the Cloverleah pack, but now was the first
    time he was experiencing it for himself. It was an intoxicating
    Checking that Matthew was still okay, Dean bought up his
    other hand to join the first and carefully ran his hands over the
    solid muscles of Matthew’s chest. Like most wolf shifters,
    Matthew had no body hair, and the way his tanned skin
    gleamed in the afternoon sun appealed to Dean both as a
    painter and as a man.
    “You are truly beautiful,” he breathed as he watched his own
    hands on all of those acres of skin.
    “You make me feel that way,” Matthew said, the light tone
    letting Dean know that the man was pleased with his reaction.
    Keeping his touch light and even, Dean traced over muscles he
    had learned about in his art books – the top of the trapezius
    and the slim stemocleidomastoid muscles of the neck; the
    bulging deltoid, bicep brachii and extensor muscles in the arm
    and the delightful pectoralis major, serratus anterior and rectus
    abdominus muscles in his torso, which rippled under Dean’s
    touch. Dean felt lightheaded with pleasure as his fingers
    touched every square inch of skin that he could see.
    “You’re quietly driving me crazy here,” Matthew said softly, but
    Dean could hear the smile in his voice. Without thinking he
    dropped his eyes to the significant bulge in Matthew’s jeans.

    There was a wet patch over what must be the head of
    Matthews cock and Dean took a deep breath at the obvious
    sign of Matthew’s arousal.
    Expressing a confidence he didn’t feel, with a desire he wanted
    to explore, Dean asked quietly, “Do you think, if we went into
    the bedroom, you would let me see you naked?”
    “Look at me, little one.”
    Dean raised his head and saw the intense hunger in Matthew’s
    eyes. But the man’s face was kind and he still had a soft smile
    on those lovely lips.
    “I want nothing more than to be naked with you,” Matthew
    said, his voice low and calm. “And I don’t want to do anything
    that might upset you. But if we do this, can I ask a small
    favor? For me, would you take off your shirt too, so that I can
    at least look at you? I promise not to touch you, not unless
    you say it’s okay. But please let me see just a bit of you at
    least? Would you be comfortable doing that?”
    Matthew held his breath, almost certain that Dean would say
    no and if his little mate refused, then he would respect that.
    But he believed that if he could get Dean to be comfortable
    being at least semi-naked around him, then it would make the
    physical side of things between them so much easier over time.
    Dean needed to learn that Matthew wasn’t going to be put off
    by any scarring he had, and Matthew was almost desperate to
    see what Dean had hidden under that baggy t-shirt of his.
    Dean had dropped his eyes to where his hands lay stroking
    Matthew’s smooth bulging pectoral muscles. “I’m not going to
    look anything like you,” he said hesitantly.
    Matthew laughed. “I’m glad about that,” he said, pleased that
    Dean was at least considering his request seriously. “I’m not
    attracted to me, I’m attracted to you. Could you imagine what
    it would be like if someone like Damien and I went to bed

    “No I couldn’t,” Dean snapped and Matthew hid his smirk. The
    jealousy was a good sign.
    “Neither can I,” Matthew said soothed. “Big muscle bound
    jocks don’t do anything for me. Cute, slim little Omegas with
    pale skin on the other hand, send every cell in my body into
    quivering lust.”
    “You’re an idiot,” Dean said as he climbed off Matthew’s lap.
    For a moment, Matthew thought that Dean was going to run
    away, but his little mate surprised him when he said, “Come on
    then, let’s do this.”
    Okay, that wasn’t the most encouraging tone in his mate’s
    voice, but it was a yes, and Matthew wasn’t stupid enough to
    give up the opportunity to get closer to and learn more

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