Getting Close to the Omega
which had fallen against his
    “You matter to me,” Matthew said. “One day you will share
    your personal horrors with me, purely and simply because
    eventually we won’t have any secrets from each other. You will
    trust that I am strong enough to handle it, and that I will
    comfort you when you need me to. Those things come with
    time.” Matthew lifted his arms, encouraging Dean’s hands to
    come back up to his shoulders. As though he couldn’t get
    enough, Dean went back to tracing Matthew’s collar bone.
    Matthew swallowed a moan and forced himself to keep
    speaking. “But right now, in this moment, I need you to know,
    that to me, any scars you have are a testament to your
    strength and ability to survive. And you have no idea how
    thankful I am that you did survive and that you feel
    comfortable enough with me to sit here and touch me like

    “You make me calm, like I have found my center,” Dean
    explained. “I don’t know why, but when I’m around you I don’t
    have any fear, of anything.” He looked up and Matthew was
    blasted by the pure need in Dean’s eyes. “Could you, would
    you mind maybe kissing me again, please?”
    “As often as you like,” Matthew promised as he leaned over
    and carefully brushed his lips over Dean’s mouth.

Chapter Seven
    Dean felt himself tremble as Matthew softly kissed him. He
    had never felt anything like the desire rushing through his body
    in that moment. Fuck that. He had never felt desire full stop.
    But just touching Matthew through his clothes was enough to
    set his blood boiling, and his cock had never been so hard.
    Struggling to cope with all of the unfamiliar feelings coursing
    through him, he launched himself at Matthew, devouring his
    mouth in clumsy kisses.
    Matthew, bless his gigantic soul, seemed to understand Dean’s
    need and cautiously matched it with his own. Dean decided
    right then and there that he loved Matthew’s mouth. Loved it.
    The smooth skin and shapely lips turned kissing into a carnal
    adventure, one Dean was keen to go on. Dean had slipped his
    hands into the collar of Matthew’s shirt, desperate to feel
    Matthew’s skin. His fingers found a heated smooth wonderland
    and he couldn’t stop himself tracing every inch he could reach.
    Pulling his mouth up for long enough to say “Do you want me
    to take my shirt off,” Matthew smiled when Dean nodded his
    head quickly. With a confidence Dean envied, Matthew pulled
    off his shirt in one easy moment and then sat there, his back
    hard against the back of the couch, waiting to see what Dean
    would do.
    The first thing Dean realized he needed to do, was to stop
    drooling. Literally stop drooling. Because if he had imagined
    Matthew’s chest as a work of art, he had seriously
    underestimated the type of painting the man would resemble.
    He knew Matthew was muscled. Hell, a blind man would know
    that Matthew was built as an example of body builder
    perfection. But Matthew’s shape wasn’t gym forced. It was a
    combination of wolf shifter genetics and years of hard work.
    “Oh fuck,” Dean whispered mesmerized as he watched the light
    from his windows play over Matthew’s pecs. Cautiously he
    reached out with his hand, longing to touch, but almost afraid
    to do so. As an artist he understood the need to respect

    perfection. But Matthew’s easy smile encouraged him to break
    past his own inbuilt barriers and carefully he laid one hand on
    Matthew’s chest.
    And that’s when Dean knew, in that instant, when flesh met
    flesh, that he would never let this man go. Electricity raced up
    his arm and sent a shiver down his spine. His blood, already
    heated, reached boiling point and for one split second he
    thought he might pass out. This desire, this need to crawl into
    Matthew’s skin and never come out wasn’t something he was
    used to. He didn’t know about desire, or lust – those were the
    sorts of feelings other people had. He had seen it often enough

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