Getting Close to the Omega
    Dean’s tight body. Standing up with a fluid grace that was only
    slightly hampered by his raging erection, watching as Dean
    pulled his shirt over his head, Matthew followed his mate from
    the living room, down a short hallway into the master
    Stepping into Dean’s personal space, Matthew dismissed the
    room with barely a glance. He had already noted the California
    King size bed which was useful given his tall frame, and the
    two beautifully sensual paintings Dean had on the wall, when
    Dean had given him permission to roam the house earlier. But
    for now all he wanted to feast his eyes on was the gorgeously
    toned back in front of him.
    Dean’s shoulders were not huge, like most shifters were, but
    they were big enough to give the man some shape. There
    wasn’t one ounce of fat on Dean’s slim frame, and Matthew
    reminded himself that he had to encourage his mate to eat
    more often. But every muscle in Dean’s back and arms were
    lightly defined and they rippled with the grace of Dean’s
    movements. God, how he wanted to run his tongue down
    every little bump in his mate’s spine, to nibble that delicious
    spot where the lower back swelled out to meet his ass.

    Reining in his errant thoughts, Matthew slipped off his jeans
    and climbed onto the bed, laying himself face up, so he could
    watch his mate’s reaction to his nakedness. He was not
    disappointed. When Dean turned and saw him lying there, like
    a buffet ready for the taking, the man visibly swallowed and
    heat swamped his face. Too overcome with his own lust to be
    nervous Dean hopped onto the bed, sitting at Matthew’s side,
    his eyes roving over every inch of the body laid out in front of
    “Magnificent. Amazing. Perfection,” Dean breathed as the little
    man’s hands seem to move of their own volition wandering
    down Matthew’s thigh and dancing around his knee cap. Okay,
    not the direction Matthew was hoping for, as Dean continued
    his quest down his leg, smoothing muscles, and caressing
    around the bones of his ankle. But Dean was touching him at
    least, and that was a lot more than Matthew had thought he
    would get when he woke up that morning.
    As Matthew looked down the bed, he could see his own cock
    rampant, hot and leaking like a sieve, jerking against his
    abdomen as though begging for attention. There was no way
    Dean could be oblivious to it, but the man seemed to be fixated
    on his feet at the moment, stroking over his toes and running
    his fingers down each tendon. Matthew took in the intense way
    Dean caressed him with both his eyes and his fingers and
    Matthew struggled to remember the last time he had been the
    focus of such avid attention.
    With Dean pleasantly occupied in the exploration of his body,
    Matthew took the time to let his eyes do some wandering of
    their own. As he expected, Dean’s torso showed evidence that
    the man had not been eating properly, but his muscle structure
    was still clearly evident. Dean’s pale skin gleamed like marble
    under the sunlight streaming in through the large windows that
    almost took up one full wall of the room. Matthew longed to
    touch it, to run his fingers over every inch, but he remembered
    his promise. He could not let his mate down if he wanted Dean
    to trust him.

    Matthew had to look really carefully to find evidence of the
    scars his little mate was so worried about. He doubted a
    human would even notice them, but Matthew’s keen wolf eyes
    picked out deliberately straight lines of silver that crisscrossed
    over Dean’s pectoral muscles, and down his arms. It wasn’t
    until Dean turned his attention to Matthew’s other leg, that
    Matthew noticed a thick jagged pink line that ran almost the
    full length from elbow to wrist on one arm.
    That wasn’t self-inflicted by a knife. That scar was caused by
    someone’s claws. That had been the arm that Dean was
    rubbing when he was thinking about his past, and Matthew
    guessed Dean’s previous Alpha was

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