Family Secrets

Free Family Secrets by Kasey Millstead

Book: Family Secrets by Kasey Millstead Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kasey Millstead
million reasons why flirting with his kind of dangerous is a monumental mistake.  Forefront of those reasons is him finding out about my daughter.  However, it’s not like I can just come out and say that, so I need to skirt around the issue and not arouse his suspicions even further.  I know he knows I have child; I spoke about her on the dating show.  But, he has yet to ask me about her.  I know it must be playing on his mind, and he is waiting for the perfect opportunity to bring it up.  Or, maybe he is waiting for me to broach the subject. 
    That’s never going to happen.
    “Cassi?” he prompts when I stay silent.
    “Look, Brock, it just is.  There’s a lot of history between us that can never become public knowledge.  The bottom line is, you’re my stepbrother – my estranged stepbrother.  I’d like to keep things that way.”
    “You want to stay estranged? ”  he splutters, saying the word like it leaves a bad taste in his mouth.
    “I just do.  It’s easier that way.”
    “What is?”
    I sigh, frustrated.  Why can’t he just leave well enough alone?
    “Look, Brock, some things are better left buried, okay?”
    “I’m not sure I agree with you, however I’ll let it go for now.  I was actually calling to see if you were free sometime this week?  I’d like to see you again.”
    “Sorry, I’m working all week.”  It’s not a lie, I really am working all week.
    “Maybe some other time, then?” he murmurs.
    “Sure,” I agree, knowing I’ll continue to rebuff his advances.
    “Have a good night, Cassi.  Sweet dreams.”  He sounds distant, preoccupied.  However I am eager to end the call, so I don’t bother asking him what has him sounding that way.
    “You too, Brock.  Goodbye.”  I end the call and down half a glass of wine in one gulp.  Damn that man and the way he makes me feel.   It is like I’m a teenager again, unable to control the attraction my body feels to him, the pull that he has over my senses, and the power he exhibits over my better judgment.
    Rather than wallowing in the self-pity I feel, I drag myself to bed and fall asleep surprisingly fast.
    “Cassi, can you come and assist me in Room Two in about five minutes, please?”
    “Sure, Mary.”  I smile at my co-worker, and finish off on the paperwork I’m writing up.  It’s been a long day, but thankfully my shift is about coming to an end.
    “How’re things going in here?” I ask the patient, Georgina, as I enter the room.
    “Fine,” she grits out, managing an attempt at a half a smile despite the pain she is feeling as a contraction ripples through her stomach.
    “Excellent.”  I check her chart and watch as Mary performs an internal examination. 
    “You’re at about eight centimeters.  Won’t be long now,” she assures Georgina.
    She pants, nodding, while her husband rubs her back and wipes her forehead with a washcloth, looking frightened.
    “Would you like any pain relief, Georgina?”
    “No.”  She shakes her head resolutely, while her husband’s shoulders deflate, defeated.  I almost smile.  The women are usually determined to experience childbirth naturally.  Sometimes that changes within minutes of arriving at hospital, and other times they remain steadfast with their decision.  The men, on the other hand, almost always would prefer their partner to accept the pain relief from the get-go.
    Mary and I both begin setting up in preparation for the delivery.  Ten short minutes later, Georgina lets out a guttural groan, then cries out she has to push.  It’s go time.   Mary and I both spring in to action, with Mary taking a seat on the stool between Georgina’s legs, and me standing beside her.
    “Okay, Georgina, push when you have to.  We want nice big, long pushes.  Let’s get this baby out,” Mary instructs.
    Determination washes over Georgina’s face as she prepares her body and mind to push her baby out.
    “One, two,

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