Official Girl 2

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Book: Official Girl 2 by Charmanie Saquea Read Free Book Online
Authors: Charmanie Saquea
she’d refused. Now she had no choice. She should have just done it in the first place. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and sent a text.
                  Kamil: I need to talk to you about some shit. I’ll be there in the morning so be ready.
                  I turned my phone off without waiting for a response. I headed upstairs to be with my lady, or should I say my fiancé. I’d noticed the tattoo that Mykell had on his chest and wondered why the fuck he would do some shit like that. I bet he felt stupid as fuck for getting it after I proposed. Oh well, his loss, my gain. My next step was to knock her ass up with a lil Kamil Jr. and really make his ass sick.
                                                                          *   *   *
                  I woke up the next morning on a mission. I had some business to handle. I pulled up to the hood with one thing on my mind. I knocked on the door and waited for somebody to answer it. It opened and I went in. “Did you pull that bullshit last night?”
                  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
                  “I bet you do. Let me find out you did that shit to my girl’s car and that’s yo ass. I really don’t give a fuck about the car. I don’t appreciate you thinking it’s okay to fuck with her. Leave her alone and I’m not asking.” I pulled up my shirt to show the butt of my .45 just to show how serious I was. “Fuck with me if you want to and you’ll regret it,” I said before walking out the door.


Chapter 4
    Micah and I were riding through the hood a few weeks earlier when we saw something real suspicious. Neicey’s boy toy Kamil was coming out of a house that wasn’t meant for anything good. I should know because I had been there a couple of times myself. I wanted to call Neicey up right then and there, but Micah didn’t think it was a good idea. He told me to check into it first before I brought it to her.
    I decided to bring in somebody who didn’t like his ass as much as I didn’t, Ramone. He was the perfect person because that was his baby sister and he still had a personal vendetta against him for the gun incident. So, I decided to pay him a visit.
    “Wassup , knucklehead, where ya man at?” I asked my sister when she opened the door.
    “In the kitchen, of course.” I headed to the kitchen and that nigga was cooking something that smelled good as fuck. “Hurry up, Chef Boyar negro ? I’ve got some real shit to holla at you about.”
    “Well , don’t keep an asshole in suspense. Tell me now.”
    I told him what I saw and he was not happy. “So either this nigga in an undercover crackhead or he’s playing my sister?”
    “Pretty much.”
    “You told her yet?”
    “Nah, Mack told me to do some digging before I br ought it to her, so that’s exactly what I’ma do.”
    “You know we can’t let her marry this nigga, right? There’s just something about that nigga that I don’t trust and that info ain’t makes it no better. I don’t want his ass around my sister or nephew.”
    “I know man. Ever since she got engaged to that nigga, she’s been acting all funny. I used to talk to her and see my son damn near every day. I’m lucky if I see him once a week now.”
    “ Translation, since he popped the question you ain’t be getting none no more,” he laughed.
    “Nigga how you know?”
    “C’mon man that’s my little sister, she told me. She asked me if she should feel bad and I told her naw. She knows that you still have her heart; she also told me that she loved the nigga but she’s not all the way in love with him. She thinks there’s something holding her back from loving him completely.”
    “ So she’s not in love with him because she still loves me?”
    “Correction, she’s still in love with you ,” Lani said coming into the kitchen.

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