Official Girl 2

Free Official Girl 2 by Charmanie Saquea

Book: Official Girl 2 by Charmanie Saquea Read Free Book Online
Authors: Charmanie Saquea
remember this used to be our song?”
                  “How could I forget? You used to sing this to me all the time.”
                  “Yeah, I just wish I would have listened to Lyfe. Then maybe I would still have you.”
                  I looked up in his eyes and I could see he was hurt. “You know Kell, I will always love you. You’ve given me one of the most precious gifts I’ve ever had in my life. This doesn’t change how I feel about you,” I spoke from the heart.
                  “I know, because it damn sure doesn’t change how I feel about you either.”
                  The rest of the dance was a quiet one until somebody pushed Mykell roughly from behind. He turned around and it was Lisa. Well, well, well, so we meet again. I thought to myself. “Look at what the trash brought in,” I said.
                  “The fuck you putting yo hands on me for?” Mykell asked clearly pissed.
                  “Because I’m tired of you thinking the world of this bitch when she was the one who left yo dumb ass and you still running behind her ass like a lost puppy even though she clearly just got engaged to another nigga.”
                  “Look hoe, I’m not gonna be too many more bitches.”
                  Like always, Lani and I were in tune with each other. She came out of nowhere and stood by me ready to go to war. “Maybe if yo dry pussy ass was more like her, you could keep a man. I ain’t seen or spoke to yo ass in over a year and you wanna pop off on some bullshit? Fuck outta here with that shit.”
                  She slapped the shit out of Mykell. That was when Le’Lani and I pounced on her ass. That bitch was screaming trying to get us off her, but it was to no avail. We were beating that hoe like we should have done a long time ago. “I told yo stupid ass I wasn’t gonna be pregnant forever hoe!”
                  Mykell grabbed me and Kamil grabbed Lani. Kamil led the way to his office with Micah and Ramone right on our heels. Kamil shut the door after Ramone walked in. Everyone was silent. “How my hair look?” I asked. “You look fine mami,” Lani answered me.
                  “Good. You straight too, boo.”
                  “That’s all I need to hear.”
                  “Are y’all serious right now?” Kamil asked.
                  “What?” Lani and I asked simultaneously as if we didn’t know what he was talking about.
                  “You know what!”
                  “Uhn uhn, lower that tone.”
                  “Y’all crazy,” Micah laughed.
                  “Mack you already know how we do,” I said.
                  “Yeah I do, we all do. But clearly your fiancé doesn’t,” he said.
                  “What do you mean?” Kamil asked.
                  “He means yo girl is a damn ticking time bomb and her best friend ain’t no different. They been whooping ass together since they’ve known each other,” Ramone spoke.
                  “Hell, that’s how they met. Some hoes were on some tough shit with Lani and Neicey came to her defense. They didn’t even know each other at the time,” Ramone continued.
                  “Damn, really?”
                  Kell, remember yo first night, home?” Micah laughed.
                  “Let’s not go there, Mack,” I told him.
                  “Why not? You beat two people’s ass that night. Then turned around and asked me if I thought you were crazy,” Mykell spoke for the first time.
                  Kamil looked at him and for the first time he noticed his tattoo. I saw Kamil tense up, so I tried to defuse the problem before it even started. “Whatever, I’m not

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