Blind Devotion

Free Blind Devotion by Sam Crescent

Book: Blind Devotion by Sam Crescent Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sam Crescent
hardness. Moaning, he licked along her lips then pressed kisses down her face
to her neck. She moved her head to the side giving him better access to kiss
    “You’re going to drive me insane,” he said, moaning. Her
fingers tightened in the hair at the base of his neck.
    Going under her shirt, he touched her skin and felt
her shake beneath his touch.
    She’s innocent. Take your time and go as slow as possible.
    Closing his eyes, he tried to consider her innocence
as he touched her.
    Take her.
    “Let me know if I’m going too fast for you,” he said.
    “You’re not going fast enough, Pussy. Please, I ache
all over again.” Sasha took over, pressing her lips to his. He was so close
that she didn’t miss him as she kissed him back.
    Wrapping his arms around her, he took her back until
they were closer to the bed. He needed the flat surface in case he lost his
mind and took her there in the center of the room.
    “I’m going to take your shirt off,” he said.
    In one sweep, he removed her shirt leaving her in a simple
cotton bra. The underwear was unattractive, yet it didn’t detract from the
beauty of her pale skin.
    “What’s the matter? You stopped and didn’t say
    “You’re beautiful. Your bra doesn’t do you justice,
but it doesn’t matter.” He fingered the strap then ran the pads of his fingers
across her chest to the top of her breasts. “I’m honored that you’ve picked
me.” He slid the strap of her bra down her arm.
    He noticed the goosebumps that erupted all over her arms.
    “Are you still with me?”
    “Keep talking and I’m more than with you.”
    Pussy chuckled.
    Turning her around, he flicked the catch of her bra.
“Don’t stop it from falling. I want to see your tits,” he said, whispering the
words against her head.
    “You really are sinful, aren’t you?”
    “We’ve not even gotten started on the good stuff yet.
Give me chance to show you how good I can make this.” He eased the bra off her
arms and simply gasped. Her tits were everything he’d thought they would be.
They were large and beautiful with tight red nipples. Licking his lips, he
reached out and cupped her breast. Sliding his thumb across the tip he watched
her gasp. Her breasts were sensitive to the slightest touch. “Do you like
    “Yes. Please, don’t stop.”
    “I’ve got more exciting stuff to do to you.” Moving to
the next breast, he circled the nipple. She pushed her chest out toward him,
offering her body up for him to play with.
    Feeling wicked, he claimed
one of her nipples with his lips, sucking the hard bud into his mouth.
    She cried out. Her hands went to his arms with her
nails sinking inside his flesh. Pinching the other breast, he stared up her
body to see her response.
    Her eyes were closed, and her mouth was open slightly.
She looked amazed by what he was doing. Going to the second breast, he teased
it as much as the first. With his free hand Pussy fingered the button of her
jeans. Moving from one breast to the other, he took his time, loving her tits.
Her tits deserved the time to be sucked, nibbled, and adored.
    Opening the button of her jeans, he popped them open
and slid the zipper down. Cupping her hips, he pushed her jeans down her
thighs. She wiggled, helping him push the offending item of clothing down.
    Releasing her breasts, he sank down in front of her.
He placed his hands on her hips so she knew where he was.
    “I’m going to take off your pants.”
    “Don’t let go,” she said, biting her lip.
    “I won’t, baby, I promise.”
    “You make a lot of promises.” She let out a breath.
    He didn’t respond and started to peel her panties away
from her. Pubic hair covered her pussy, obscuring her from his view. When he
was close to a razor he’d be trimming her hair so he could see the lips of her
    She smelled feminine and sweet.
    “You’re not talking. Is something wrong?” she asked.
    “No, nothing is wrong.” He let go of her hip

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