
Free Kidnap by Lisa Esparza

Book: Kidnap by Lisa Esparza Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lisa Esparza
was being held. I truly felt like a Princess in the beautiful blue and white dress I wore. It had a scallop neck line and from the waist down soft organza like ruffles trailed down the front. My hair was pulled back into a jewel band that left the back falling with soft curls. I slowly enter through the doors to the ballroom. The circular ballroom was huge with a ceiling made of glass. The stars and two moons that could be seen made the night seem magical. Half of the room had elegant tables set up while the other half was left for the dance floor. I try not to search the room for Gaylon wondering where he could be. I hadn’t seen him since the night we kissed. I hoped he was not avoiding me.
    Nerissa assured me that it was due to all the preparations for the battle that was why I had not seen him. Spotting the Captain and Lady Flor, we walk over to where they are sitting. Captain Artoon stands bowing to me as he says, “I had feared the worst, my lady. I am pleased to find my worries were not needed. Your grandfather would have been proud of you. You have accomplished what he had always desired, peace for both our people.” I smile weakly at him. “Thank you, Captain Artoon.
    But, I am not the leader of the Garlandians, yet. I am hesitant to celebrate until Larg has been dealt with and the rest of the Garlandians are free from his rule.” Captain Artoon motion for us to set down at the table with them. He surprised me with a smile which I hadn’t seen him do until now. He says, “Your fears are well placed, my lady. We will win the battle that is to come. That I am sure of.” I nod saying, “I just wish there was some other way then war. I don’t wish for anyone to be harm.”
    Captain Artoon leans back in his chair staring at me.
    He replies, “War is never pretty, Princess Naishay.
    Death is always apart of it. But, Gaylon has informed me that the Artthians scientist is coming up with something to lesson the lost.” Lady Flor and Nerissa looked just as surprised as I felt. My fears lessen a little feeling that there was some hope. I look at him waiting for him to continue, but instead he says, “I don’t wish to go into details at this moment.” He holds up his hand to silence any questions we each had. He continues, “They are still working on the device. I do not wish to get anyones hopes up.” With that he motions for the servants to bring us some drinks while we wait for the food to be served. The food that was served was as beautiful as it was delicious. There was different types of sea food. As well as fowl that oddly tasted like chicken. They served a variety of fruits and vegetables that was unlike anything on earth. Nerissa whispers, “Be careful with the Honey fruit it can be a bit intoxicating. Unless you have built up a tolerances to it.” Thanking her, I made a note to myself to avoid it all together. I sat listening to the music that was being played. It was unlike anything I had ever heard before now. The melody was very enchanting as it filled the ballroom. I was so lost in the music that I did not here Gaylon approach us. “Good evening, Ladies.”
    Gaylon says as he arrives at the our table. He stands with his arms behind his back staring at Captain Artoon. Nodding at the Captain he says, “Artoon.” It was a bit surprising to see them not at each other throats. Gaylon looks down at me saying, “Shall we?” holding his hand out to me. I could fill everyone at the table turn to look at me.
    Nerissa exclaims, “Wait that’s... Never mind.” As I take a quick sip of the fruity honey like juice that had been pour for her. Inhaling a deep breath I take his hand and follow him out on the dance floor. I follow his lead as he takes me into his embrace. I could feel everyones eyes on us as we dance.
    Feeling my checks burning I keep my eyes focus on the top bottons of his white shirt. “You look stunning tonight, my Princess.” He says his breath fanning my hair. I smile, looking up at

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