I'll Protect You (Clueless Resolutions Book 1)

Free I'll Protect You (Clueless Resolutions Book 1) by W B Garalt

Book: I'll Protect You (Clueless Resolutions Book 1) by W B Garalt Read Free Book Online
Authors: W B Garalt
long, heavy sigh.

Chapter 13
    Friday got off to a better start.  It was sunny and dry in East Wayford.  Like most everywhere in the U.S., folks in the community were getting ready for the Memorial Day long weekend.
    Maggie and Max were finishing an inspection of a vacant unit of a duplex residential condominium.  It was their last appointment for the day.
    “Well, Max, that does it”, she said while locking the entry door, “Are you and the family having the annual cook-out?”
    Max shook his head.  “Not this year.” he answered somberly.  “My mother’s heart bypass hasn’t gone as well as expected.  I stopped in last Sunday, on her birthday, and she told me that another operation has been scheduled.  She’s a little down, right now.  It doesn’t look good, so my sisters and I decided to pass the holiday and wait for the outcome before we get together.”
    “Oh, I’m sorry to hear that.” Maggie said, sympathetically.  Then, with a sudden impulse, she proffered a suggestion to Max.
    “I haven’t got anything planned either.  Do you feel like taking off for Falmouth, or somewhere else on The Cape? Or are you too bummed out with your mother’s heart problem?”
    “No, I’m okay, this has been going on for a while now.” he replied.  Then, with a quizzical, one-raised-eyebrow half smile, he asked Maggie, “What else have you got in mind?”
    After a quick discussion about her going to her apartment to change and pack an overnight case and tennis racket, and he checking on his apartment building, they agreed to meet at “Jerry’s” for a late lunch.
    Twenty minutes later they were at the bar having a one martini lunch, watching TV as they ate.  The local news re-ran a segment from the noon news broadcast.  When it showed the image of Detective Salvadore being interviewed through his police cruiser driver’s window, they both stopped to listen to his comments.
    The interview had taken place two days before, as Salvadore was leaving the police station parking lot.
    “Here’s your favorite cop on the beat.” Max said to Maggie, teasingly.
    After the interview concerning the mysterious killings signed off, Maggie couldn’t contain her incredulousness.
    “Do you believe that pompous jerk?” she asked rhetorically.  “That pretentious, arrogant, freaking asshole is talking down to the public like that when he hasn’t got a clue as to who’s responsible!”  “No wonder the State had to be called in.” she said loudly enough for anybody to hear.
    Jerry Pippin, washing glasses at the other end of the bar overheard Maggie’s comments.
    “Now, now mates, do I hear dissatisfaction with our local men in blue?” he directed toward Maggie.
    “Just with one of them, if you can call a jackass a man!,” Maggie quipped.  She knew that Salvadore was a sometimes patron of Jerry’s Jug because she had noticed him there a few times when he was off-duty.  She also knew that Jerry would never take up sides with, or against, a customer.
    “Big plans for the holiday, you two?” asked Jerry, tactfully changing the subject.
    “Nothing formal, we’re heading out to The Cape for a little R and R. …well, a little rest but I don’t know about the recuperation ” Max jokingly responded,  “Are you ready Maggie?” he asked, as he stood up to pay the tab.
    “Let’s hit the road…catch you later Jerry.” she responded with a wave to him.
    Within ten minutes they were on highway I-95 north, keeping up with the traffic, typically at 75 mph, ten miles over the speed limit.  Doing what had become almost a habit, of late, Max watched the rear view mirror.
    “God dammit!” Max exclaimed, “There’s a dark blue car that seems to be sticking to our ass.  He’s hanging back but keeping a steady pace.”
    At that, he accelerated and moved past several cars. Max then pulled to the right travel lane and slowed down after going over a small rise in the road.  When the blue car came along side

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