
Free Chase by Chantal Fernando, Dawn Martens

Book: Chase by Chantal Fernando, Dawn Martens Read Free Book Online
Authors: Chantal Fernando, Dawn Martens
Tags: Romance
purposely take my time finding it, laughing to myself as I finally pull it out from the bottom and hand it to him. He almost snatches it off me, and gives me a huge smile.
    “You are the fucking best, Layla! I knew I loved that huge handbag filled with crap.”
    He eats the chocolate bar with relish, brushes his teeth then comes back to bed.
    “Night baby.” He kisses my neck.
    “Night Chase,” I mumble back.
    The next morning I text Nikki, I haven’t heard much from her since she was last here. We’ve texted a few times, but she has been too busy with school to drop by. Today was no different. Kade comes in and takes a seat beside me.
    “What’s up princess?” He asks, as he sips on his coffee.
    “I’m having Nikki withdrawals,” I grumble, “She hasn’t been coming over and I miss her.”
    When I mention Nikki, I notice Kade still.
    “Has she mentioned why she can’t come over?” His voice low.
    “No, just says she’s busy with classes and stuff,” I sulk.
    He seems lost in thought, then gets up and says he is going out for a bit.

Chapter Eleven
    Two weeks later

    It’s my day off and I’ve decided to do some volunteer work at the animal shelter. I’m a huge animal lover, and want to help out in any way I can. I’m about to leave the house when all three guys come out of the kitchen and ask me where I’m going.
    “Going to the animal shelter to volunteer for a bit.” I say. All three guys stare, surprised.
    “You’re so cute Laylay,” Kade says smirking.
    “Hey, you’re breaking the rules using that name!” I say, annoyed. I really hate that stupid nickname.
    “It was a slip! My bad,” Kade says, completely unapologetic.
    “It’s your day off and you are going to the shelter? I thought we could go out for a movie or something,” Chase sulks.
    I laugh, “You’re going to work, and I’m going to help.” I smile up at him; he sighs, leaning over and giving me a kiss.


    I walk in and meet the man at reception, whose name is Gage. He’s about thirty five, with warm brown eyes and blonde hair. The shelter is in a large warehouse looking building.
    “Okay, so are you up for walking some of the dogs?” he asks me after giving me a tour. I nod. I could no doubt use the exercise too.
    “How many should I take at a time?” I ask nervously.
    Gage grins. “Depends how difficult the dog is.”
    “Perhaps I’ll start small,” I mutter, walking past the huge greyhound and towards a poodle mix.
    After two hours of walking, I’m finished for the day. “I’ll see you next week, if you can make it,” Gage says.
    “I’ll be here,” I tell him.
    I go straight home and have a long hot shower. Chase comes home about an hour later, hot and sweaty after a long run.
    “If it isn’t my favorite girl,” he drawls.
    “I better be your only girl,” I tease.
    “You’re a handful, Layla, I don’t think I could handle anyone extra,” he says cheekily.
    I throw a pillow at him.
    He ducks.
    “See! I can barely handle you,” he smirks.
    I pull out my phone and play ‘Handle me’ by Robyn for him to listen to the lyrics. He laughs- a deep throaty sound.
    “What’s the plan for tonight? I’m hungry. I think we should go to the pub,” I suggest.
    “I suppose we can do that. Have to feed my woman, can’t be letting her lose those curves I’m so fond of,” he says in a husky tone.
    “Chicken, jack potato and a salad,” I plan what I’m going to eat already. I really am hungry.
    Chase shakes his head at me, “I better go shower and get dressed before you get hungrier and therefore grumpier.”
    “I do not get grumpy!” I say defensively. Kade and James walk in together, and Chase invites them out to dinner.
    “Come out and eat with us, but hurry, Layla’s already starving,” he looks at his brothers with wide eyes.
    Kade grimaces. “We better go now people. Hurry up!” While James nods knowingly.
    “I’ll be five minutes.” They all leave to get ready.

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