One White Rose

Free One White Rose by Julie Garwood

Book: One White Rose by Julie Garwood Read Free Book Online
Authors: Julie Garwood
Tags: Adult, Historical Romance
    He smiled. "In eight weeks, unless you or Parker gets into trouble. Maybe longer. And by the way, Isabel, you and your son are going with me. I'm getting you out of here."
    "No, you're not. I won't be run out of my own home. Do you understand me? No one is going to chase me off of my land."
    Too late, he realized he'd upset her. Her voice had taken on a shrill quality, and when he looked at her, he saw the tears brimming in her eyes. He quickly tried to calm her.
    "You can do what you want," he lied. "As long as it's eight weeks from now."
    "You can't possibly stay here that long. I assure you I'll be fully recovered sooner than that and Parker will be much stronger. We'll be just fine. We'll miss you, of course."Desperately so , she silently added.
    He didn't know what compelled him to do it, but he leaned down and kissed her forehead. "You seem to be having trouble grasping numbers, sugar. I'm not leaving for eight weeks. Want me to tell you how many days that is?"
    She knew he was teasing her but didn't have the faintest idea how to respond. Her husband had always been terribly serious about everything. He never flirted, nor did she, yet she knew Douglas was now doing just that. She decided to get away from him for a few minutes. She couldn't seem to think when he was so close.
    "It's your decision," she said, "I won't be plagued by guilt, and if you don't mind staying, I… I mean to say, we… Ihave a baby, you know, and we'll be happy to have you around." She knew she was stammering her explanation. She'd also lied to him. She wouldn't be happy if he stayed. She would be ecstatic.
    "Why don't you take your nap now?"
    He was saying something to her, but she couldn't make herself pay any attention. She was trying to figure out how such a ruggedly handsome man had managed to remain unattached so long. He had to be close to thirty if her guess was right. Perhaps he wasn't unattached after all. There could be a beautiful young lady patiently waiting for his return. Yes, that was it. She was probably very refined and elegant too, and Isabel imagined she had gold-colored hair that wasn't at all unruly with curls.
    "Why did you kiss me?" she blurted out.
    "I felt like it. Did you mind?"
    "No… I didn't mind."
    She told herself to snap out of her stupor. It was high time she faced a few important facts. She wasn't a naive young lady with hopes and dreams and yearnings to be loved. She was a widow with a baby who depended on her. She couldn't and wouldn't change her past. She had been blessed to have a dear friend for a companion, and now she had his beautiful son.
    Still, there wasn't any harm in daydreaming about a future she could never have, was there? Wasn't it natural to wonder what it would feel like to be loved by a man like Douglas? Thinking about it seemed like a natural curiosity on her part. That was all. He was so strong and hard and sensual, and she'd never known anyone quite like him. Why, even though she was a new mother and didn't physically want him, she couldn't help but notice the erotic, earthy aura about him. Besides, there wasn't anything wrong with appreciating the wonderful differences between them, and, Lord, he was masculine all right. He'd be a demanding lover, and he wouldn't stop until she had…
    Good Lord, what was she doing? She forced the outrageous fantasy out of her mind.
    "I believe I'll rest for a little while." He looked as if he was amused by her remark.
    "Sounds good to me," he teased.
    She turned, stumbled over something littering the floor, and yet hurried on. He followed her.
    "Are you feeling all right?" he asked.
    "You seem a little preoccupied."
    "I need a nap, Douglas. I'm a brand-new mother and I must rest." He leaned against the doorframe and refused to budge when she tried to shut the door.
    "I would like some privacy so that I can change my clothes. I'll give you your belt back later."
    "It's on the floor in the other room with the towels you used to look

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